Posts Tagged ‘Special Education’
“I Am That Mom”: Navigating Back-To-School for Her Child With Disabilities
I am totally THAT mom. Each year when I send my daughter off to her first day of school, it hurts. Like physically, in my gut, hurts. My breathing feels shallow. My heart seems to skip beats. My cheeks are hot and tingly. Waves of nausea pass through my belly like the ocean when a storm is near. Each year on that first day I feel sick with worry because I am here, and she is there. I know my daughter is not going out into the world alone when…
Read MoreFive Tips Special Needs Moms Need for Back-to-School
Dear Special Needs Mommas, As the school year begins, I want to offer words of encouragement and motivation. Your role as advocates and supporters is crucial. Embrace the first weeks with optimism, knowing that you have the power to shape your child’s educational journey. Trust your instincts, collaborate with educators, and remember, you are never alone. From my experience as a former special education teacher and a caretaker to an adult with autism, these are my “go to” tips for you to survive the first week of school. You will…
Read MoreBeyond Expectations: A Heartwarming Journey of Inclusion From Public School
My son Logan has been in public school since the beginning of his autism diagnosis. Something I wasn’t always sure of doing with a special needs child. Because the truth is that sending your nonverbal child to public school is terrifying. I’ve read the stories. I’ve seen the news. I feared for sending my beautiful boy to a place that may not protect him. It weighed so heavily on me. I was so afraid he wouldn’t be understood. That they wouldn’t be compassionate or patient with him. That they wouldn’t…
Read MoreBack to School Plan for Special Education Students: Expert Tips and Strategies
If you are the parent to a child who receives special education services, have you started to prepare their back to school transition plan? My son will be entering third grade in just a few short weeks! Every day we talk about the first day of school, the number on the calendar, seeing his friends again for recess and his favorite: gym class! Heading back to school is a huge transition for our kids. Some are off to new buildings, some have new teams, some are eager to go back…
Read MoreTrust in the Good
Today is my son’s third day of school. He is a fifth grader. I get so scared sending him anywhere alone. But I have to trust. I have to trust in good and kind and grace. I have to trust that people will know the yellow haired boys name is Cooper because he won’t be able to say it under pressure. I have to trust that they will ask him if he wants a drink of water because he won’t think to ask. I have to trust that they will…
Read More4 Tips for a Successful Transition Back to School
Transitioning back to school can be scary for all kids. For kids with autism it can feel downright terrifying. Especially after just settling into summer. Here are 4 tips I use to prepare my autistic son for back to school and to make the transition as simple as possible. Visit the School: Drive to your child’s school. Park in the parking lot. Walk around outside. Visit the playground. Get your child used to seeing the building. We have been visiting Cooper’s school daily for nearly a week now to prepare…
Read MoreToday I Will Trust
I get so scared sending him anywhere alone. But I have to trust. I have to trust in good and kind and grace. I have to trust that people will know the yellow haired boys name is Cooper because he won’t be able to say it under pressure. I have to trust that they will ask him if he wants a drink of water because he won’t think to ask. I have to trust that they will wipe his mouth after he eats and adjust his waistband after he goes…
Read MoreMy Son is Not Failing; Your System is Failing Him
They said, “your son has the highest needs of anyone in the school”. And as a mother, what I heard was, “your son is the most challenging child we have”. Like an almost “admission of irritation” on their part; Or so it felt. That statement wasn’t necessary. In a meeting that I called; me, myself, as a concerned parent, as a special needs Mother, those words didn’t need to fall from anyone’s lips. Because it’s a statement made without a practical solution. Unnecessary. “Your son has the highest needs of anyone…
Read MoreTo the Bus Driver I Do Not Know
You don’t understand how hard it is to let go of my child’s hand in the morning and hand him over to you. You don’t know how long it took me to make this decision…to let him ride the bus. Some may say it’s brave or courageous to trust another with your child’s life. I sometimes think it can be daring but also really unwise. In today’s world we live in, we must worry about things that could happen. Yes, I understand it’s hard for most parents to watch their…
Read MoreDo You See Us?
Do you see us? We are the parents who have always parented in an altered universe, and now we are being asked to live in yet another altered universe with no end in sight. Do you see us? We are the parents whose children highly depend on structure and routine to feel secure and safe and less anxious. We are the ones who need a multitude of people to support our child’s ability to learn, to play, to speak, to toilet, to eat, to walk, and to participate in the…
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