Autism: In My Own Time and Place

Ten years ago, the word “autism” was not in my personal dictionary. I rarely heard the word. I didn’t know anyone who was on the spectrum, or even a friend of a friend. I couldn’t have told you what it meant or what the signs were, just that it was a word that seemed hidden or something to be ashamed of. A word that you whisper quietly so only a few can hear. A word that scared me because it was unknown and unfamiliar. I couldn’t have told you that…

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Rediscovering My Spark: More Than a Caregiver Respite Retreat at Moon Beach

I used to be a different person. Extroverted. Vibrant. People used to say that I bounced when I walked. I had dreams and goals. I knew who I was and what I wanted to have in my life. I knew what I enjoyed and had hobbies. I made time for myself. I laughed a lot, and loudly. I smiled a lot. I have worked in healthcare since high school. My job was everything to me. I lived for helping others and being there for them. I lived for the absolute…

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Beyond Expectations: A Heartwarming Journey of Inclusion From Public School

My son Logan has been in public school since the beginning of his autism diagnosis.  Something I wasn’t always sure of doing with a special needs child.  Because the truth is that sending your nonverbal child to public school is terrifying.  I’ve read the stories. I’ve seen the news.  I feared for sending my beautiful boy to a place that may not protect him.  It weighed so heavily on me. I was so afraid he wouldn’t be understood.  That they wouldn’t be compassionate or patient with him.  That they wouldn’t…

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