Special Needs Siblings
To Those Who Turn
To those little ones–those brave little Children–whose shadows stretch longer and higher than the wisest & oldest grown-ups— To those little ones that take my daughter’s hand–wait patiently and without knowing— never give up— on her. Your hearts are bigger and brighter than the biggest apple on the tree. To those little ones who turn my daughter’s head In the right direction– Who lift her chin to make sure that she too gets to see the greatness of your Tower– and how good you did! and to those who see…
Read MoreI Don’t Mind You Staring At My Brother’s Disability
Living 36 years of my life having a brother with a disability has made me embrace the things I can’t change. Being the sibling of a brother with a disability has taught me many life lessons, and one of those lessons I’m sharing today in this blog. There is one thing that all families who have a child/sibling with a disability have experienced more often than not…….People who stare. When they notice a difference in the people around them, they stare. When they observe or hear a different form of…
Read MoreA Third Baby
Yesterday morning, as my two boys were snuggling, I asked my 6-year-old son a few questions. ‘Sawyer, are you happy we had another baby?’ ‘Yes mama.’ ‘What do you love about him?’ ‘He’s so cute and small. And he’s a boy.’ ‘Is there anything else?’ ‘Yes.’ (silence) ‘What is it buddy?’ ‘I’m not lonely anymore mama.’ I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach. My old soul in the body of a five year old boy. How did I not know he was lonely? My husband and I do…
Read MoreEmbracing their Differences
I have two absolutely amazing little boys. One is 7 and one is 5. They are both blonde. They are both happy. They are both silly. I gave birth to them both. They are two years apart. And that is where their similarities end. My boys are like night and day. Personalities, likes, dislikes, fears, hopes, dreams, etc. All different. And that’s okay to say out loud. I’m not afraid of differences. Not anymore. In the beginning yes. I’m human. And differences can be scary. But time helped all that.…
Read MoreBrother, Wanna Help Me Build A Fort?
A new thing is happening at our house. Sawyer wants Cooper to ‘help’ him with his antics. Fort building, trying to convince mom and dad to go to a pool, late night ice cream runs. It’s pretty cute. ‘Cooper!! Wanna help me build a fort? Yes or no? Yes? Come on Cooper. Come on. Mom said it’s ok!’ And off they run. Cooper has no idea what he’s agreeing too either. But he doesn’t care. My heart melts. Just the sound of Sawyer saying Cooper’s name in a sentence. It’s…
Read MoreAnd Just Like That, My Baby is Five
Yesterday was Sawyer’s fifth birthday. I know I don’t show all that much about Sawyer on this blog. I try to focus my posts around autism and everything that goes into having a child on the spectrum. I do that because I know that some day Sawyer will read this website. He already talks about Finding Cooper’s Voice with me. I want him to be able to tell his story if and when he is ready. Some day, I hope he spreads autism awareness like me. Anyhow, I wanted to…
Read MoreThe Humorous Life of a Mother
We have one hard and fast rule in our home. Check Cooper’s treasures before he leaves the house because he has a habit of trying to bring ‘semi’ inappropriate pictures of his mother to school. Lucky me. Well, apparently, Daddy hasn’t been following the rule with the same intensity as me because the photos that Cooper has been bringing to school this week are OUT OF CONTROL. And they are all of me. The staff at his school has now seen photos of me at my graduation party, dressed as…
Read MoreTell Her My Name Mama
Yesterday, we had a social worker visit at our house to chat about Cooper’s waiver and complete paperwork for the upcoming year. This is nothing new. We have people in our home constantly discussing Cooper. That’s the world of autism. We used to have friends come over for dinner and drinks and now we have social workers and therapists come over and talk about autism. Oh, how life changes. Anyhow, yesterday was especially chaotic. Even for us. Sawyer wanted to make jello. He wanted a drink and a snack and…
Read MoreTeaching Play To Children With Autism
At age seven my son has very few play skills and no imaginative play. This means keeping him entertained without technology is a real challenge. What I wouldn’t give to be able to say to my son, ‘go play.’ Right now that phrase doesn’t make sense to him. He needs to be taught the skills first. For years we have worked on puzzles and anything alphabet related. But both of those types of play meant that I was sitting next to him and engaging with him. I had hoped by…
Read MoreA Conversation with Sawyer: Is My Brother Coming With?
A few nights ago, Jamie and I attended our four-year-olds first Christmas pageant. I can’t even tell you how excited I was to attend. Sawyer had been talking about it for weeks. I knew it was going to be special. Sawyer nailed it. Just like he always does. He stood, sang, participated and hammed it up. And we watched. It was wonderful. It was pretty special to watch him. My little Sawyer’s first Christmas concert. He’s a star! And also appears to have some emotions midway through. He’s on the…
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