Brother, Wanna Help Me Build A Fort?

A new thing is happening at our house. Sawyer wants Cooper to ‘help’ him with his antics. Fort building, trying to convince mom and dad to go to a pool, late night ice cream runs. It’s pretty cute.
‘Cooper!! Wanna help me build a fort? Yes or no? Yes? Come on Cooper. Come on. Mom said it’s ok!’ And off they run. Cooper has no idea what he’s agreeing too either. But he doesn’t care.
My heart melts. Just the sound of Sawyer saying Cooper’s name in a sentence. It’s enough to take my breath away. This is so new.
Cooper typically has very little awareness. And because of that Sawyer doesn’t really acknowledge him. That’s the truth.
But I’m learning Sawyer can urgently and sweetly coax his brother along. Cooper has a 1 second attention span and he thrives on destruction. But Sawyer doesn’t seem to care. He just alternates between talking sweetly and scolding him…rather loudly. Sometimes I swear he thinks nonverbal means deaf. He has the patience of a saint though.
It’s happening friends. Finally. Thank god. They are acknowledging each other.
PS. Cooper’s latest fashion choice is shorts over pants. Every day. I think he’s telling us he’s ready for summer.
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What a nice moment to capture.