The Humorous Life of a Mother

We have one hard and fast rule in our home. Check Cooper’s treasures before he leaves the house because he has a habit of trying to bring ‘semi’ inappropriate pictures of his mother to school. Lucky me.
Well, apparently, Daddy hasn’t been following the rule with the same intensity as me because the photos that Cooper has been bringing to school this week are OUT OF CONTROL. And they are all of me.
The staff at his school has now seen photos of me at my graduation party, dressed as a naughty nurse for Halloween, pregnant, in labor and nursing a baby. (Sounds like one crazy night if you ask me!) I may blush a little at pick up.
Take a watch and laugh along with me.
Remember, life is better when you are laughing. It gets us through!
Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you face. And once you find your people, your allies, your village….all the challenges and struggles will seem just a little bit easier. Welcome to our journey. You can also follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our newsletter.
Found your blog by chance google of searching for bcba- watched with great amusement your video regarding the photos! Am living in Meriden, United Kingdom and also have a 7 year old autistic boy called Henry. We don’t have ABA schools here but have secured funding for 1:1 ABA tutors in local school. Thinking of also setting up blog but just an idea at the moment. Nice to read about cooper and know there’s families like ours – keep up the good work! Sending love and best wishes from across the pond