Navigating Holiday Gatherings with Autism

Don’t judge. It’s everyone’s holiday season. With the holiday season upon us, I’ve been reflecting on my autism journey as a younger child. It looked much different than it does now as an adult. Whether it was during Christmas with the family or a holiday gathering, I’d often be alone in the corner, trying to avoid too much social interaction and strong sensory input. While my family would be eating beef, chicken, or some other holiday feast, I’d be snacking away on my favorite snacks like cheese doodles and goldfish.…

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Balancing Two Different Worlds

Tomorrow is the 4th of July. A fun, typically outdoor, social, loud, hot holiday. It’s also a holiday that can be very challenging for families like mine. And put a lot of stress on us. See, our older son struggles with a lot of the parts that make up the fourth. He is scared of fireworks, although he loves to watch them on his iPad. The second he hears one, no matter how far away, he takes off running and hides in our pantry. Parties overwhelm him. Most noises are too…

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As I reflect just on the last year alone, the holiday season for us has been so drastically different. Last year at Thanksgiving Caleb was almost 3.5 and we were hyper aware of the holiday festivities being newly diagnosed. We’d researched how to prepare him and considered all of the recommendations. We opted out of going to see family for both Thanksgiving and rather had family over, hoping Caleb would be better off in his own home if we had to be around people we didn’t see too much throughout…

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Finding My Independence

We lasted 15 minutes at our neighborhood 4th of July celebration tonight. He didn’t even see a firework. His anxiety has been high all week, I knew better. I feel guilty for taking him but know I would have felt guilty if we didn’t attempt to go. I hugged my dude and put him to bed. He loves bedtime flashlight story time. He doesn’t even care he missed the fireworks. Yet I’m back in the sorrows tonight. It’s so crazy how up and down it all is. There are no…

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Tips for Holiday Survival

This is a quick list of the things that I have learned as an autism mom to make the holidays a whole lot easier for our family. My son Noah is going to be four next month, is nonverbal, and is considered a huge sensory seeker. My first and foremost suggestion is if you can host the party in your home, do it. Your kid is always going to be more comfortable being in their own environment with their own things. This will be our second year hosting Christmas in our home, and I believe it…

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It’s About So Much More Than Fireworks

It’s not about watching the fireworks. Or seeing children run around with sparklers. It’s not about the parades. Or eating the hotdogs and potato salad. It’s not about going camping. Because let’s be honest about how much work that really is for parents. It’s not about sitting at the beach. Or riding your bike around the neighborhood. It’s about so much more than those activities. It’s not about parents that are complaining about missing an event. Because I’ve heard that. I’ve read the comments from people outside the world of…

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