Helicopter Parenting and Autism: Keeping My Child Safe and Happy

I’m that mum, the helicopter mum that follows my child around the park the whole time. The one you roll your eyes at when you see the worried look on my face if I lose sight of my child for a split second. Getting to the park itself took so much energy. We had to fight through his anxiety. It was such an achievement to even get him out of the car. To you and your friends, I look overprotective. You might even think at first glance that I need…

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Encouragement for Moms Facing an Autism Diagnosis

To the Mumma who has just received an autism diagnosis, I see you, I hear you, and I was you. You knew what it was long before the doctor even mentioned the words. You had noticed the signs, watched how your child met milestones and then just stopped, almost regressing overnight. You’re painfully aware of your best friend’s child who is talking in sentences while your child seems lost in his own world most of the time. “You shouldn’t compare; kids all develop in their own time” – you’ll hear…

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Through His Eyes: The Colors and Sounds of Autism

Take my hand and follow me, Let me show you exactly what I see. The colors all around me are beautiful and white, It’s a blessing and a curse to see light this bright. The background noise that you instantly ignore Screams inside my head the second you open the door. There is no mute or volume down, It’s a never-ending fight of swim or drown. Food can be scary if it is any color but beige, It’s a sensory issue that can’t simply be fixed with age. It’s hard…

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