Posts Tagged ‘special needs mother’
“Disabled Orphans Fleeing Kyviv”
The article about Ukraine read: “Disabled orphans fleeing Kyiv received by Poles, Hungarians.” I was scrolling Facebook, two of my three kids snuggled up on the couch next to me. My baby was at my feet playing blocks. And my oldest, sleeping. He had a long day. A tiring one. “While many of those fleeing are able-bodied adults, choosing to brave long and sometimes dangerous journeys to bring themselves and their families to safety, other Ukrainians are at the mercy of their caregivers to deliver them out of danger.” I…
Read MoreMy One of a Kind Boy
This kid I tell ya. He’s my one of a kind boy. He brings me a container of ice cream for breakfast. He finds a highlighter and colors on my computer and feels no worry when showing me his beautiful artwork. He puts things in the toilet. He is always happy. Always smiling. And always mischievous. He’s curious. Like take the couch apart curious. He gives out hugs and kisses nonstop. He adores his siblings. And wants to grow up so badly. He wants to be big like Soy. (His…
Read MoreThank You for Learning About Autism
I want to say the hugest, most heartfelt thank you to each and everyone of you who has supported me and my family on this journey. I know that so many of you have fallen in love with Cooper and our story. Sawyer, Harbor and Wynnie too. And of course Jamie. 8 years ago I sat on my couch in Duluth, MN and I created a blog. I named it Finding Cooper’s Voice. And I truly had no intention of anyone every reading it. I poured my heart out to…
Read MoreWhite Knuckle Parenting
I don’t want to be the mom who says no all the time. Or don’t do that. Or get down. Stop throwing. Why are you wet? Is that marker? What’s in your mouth? But with this kid, this exasperating, adorable, super smart kid, it comes down to keeping him alive. That’s my standard right now. He climbs everything. Slides. Counters. He gets to the highest point and gets a twinkle in his eye and says…’mama, I jump!’ And my heart goes into my throat and I’m suddenly talking him off…
Read MoreThe Parenting Bar
I was a less than great mom last night. I had all four kids alone, from newborn to toddler to an emotional 8 year old to Cooper and it was a lot to handle. There was a lot of screaming. There was water play when there wasn’t supposed to be water play. And then wet clothes on the floor. And sand. I yelled. I don’t usually yell. But I did.There was talking back. And throwing. So much throwing. There was ‘mommy will you play with me.’ And a lot of…
Read MoreWe are Parents First
In the summer of 2020, I developed hives. It started with one on my hand, then a couple on my arms, and the next thing I knew…my whole torso was covered. The current heatwave, of course, wasn’t helping but having been in the air conditioning, I knew that wasn’t the cause. It was at the point of no return, the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet were riddled with splotches of itchy red bumps, that I called my local urgent care. A telehealth visit with a…
Read MorePutting on Our Brave Hats
Wish us luck! We are headed on our first big outing as a family to six! We are headed to Wisconsin to celebrate my nephew’s graduation. Cooper has never been to a graduation party before and is very excited. He’s been ready to go since 8 am and keeps playing a Barney episode on his iPad about visiting Grandma. It’s pretty sweet. Just a short time ago we would have never been able to go to a party like this but Cooper is doing so great and wants to go…
Read MoreHow I See Myself Now
Would you believe I didn’t look at my own wedding photos until years after the big day? My husband and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary this week and I saw most of the professional photos for the first time just a few months ago. Yes, you read that right. Thousands of dollars worth of photos depicting some of the most important moments in my life spent years tucked away in a forgotten dropbox, out of sight out of mind. Why? Because if I didn’t look at those pictures, I…
Read MoreNow That I Understand
I used to think a lot of things about my son’s autism. Back before I really understood. Back when it was just a word on a piece of paper slid across the table to us. Slow like. As if the contents held the secrets to our future. I thought it was something that was given to him. Placed upon his 3 year old shoulders, weighing him down. I thought it was something we could fix. Or change. I thought there was a part of him that was not autistic. One…
Read MoreRemember My Boy
The next time you are stuck at the grocery store, irritated with the man at the front of the growing line because he keeps chatting with the clerk, think of my boy. The man might be verbally ruminating about new soda flavors he saw on tv or explaining his frustration that the store is out of the only bread he eats. How it is very important because he eats this bread for every meal in his day. He may also bring up the triangle-shaped crackers he saw on aisle seven.…
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