Posts Tagged ‘new baby’
Waving the White Flag
Have you ever waved the white flag? Threw your hands up in the air and said no more. I’m there. Since my sweet baby girl was born on May 25 our house has been sick. Every member. 7 weeks. One thing after another. And I can’t seem to get a handle on it. We went from being healthy to constantly being at the doctor. All in all, with six people, we’ve had… Five colds. Three ear infections. Strep throat. Mastitis twice. RSV. Six negative covid tests. Ten visits to the…
Read MoreI Don’t Want it to be the Last Time
My sweet baby will be 5 weeks old tomorrow. I am right in the thick of it…the hard season of no sleep and around the clock nursing. She’s leaping as they say and the two of us watch the sunrise together before my other three toddle down the stairs one by one. A few days ago I shared how the exhaustion was getting to me. How momming 4 kids felt like too much on no sleep. And a dear friend of mine messaged me and said…‘during those hard exhausting moments…
Read MoreThe Baby Phase
My baby is two weeks old today. As of 12:22 pm she has been apart of this family for 14 whole days. Which means 14 days ago I was pregnant. I was swollen, crabby, achey, and had the worst heartburn I had ever felt. Right up until delivery I felt the burning in my throat. I knew she’d have hair because of it. But I didn’t know it would be so blonde. I thought I prepared for everything leading up to her arrival. I mean, it was my fourth time.…
Read MoreLittle Adventures
We just went on our first outing as a family of six. We actually planned to go on Friday. And then Saturday. And finally we made it today. It took us well over an hour to get out of the house. There were babies to nurse and diapers to change. Kids to dress. Snacks. Negotiations. Teeth to brush. Missing shoes. Someone wasn’t wearing shorts at one point. But we did it! A nice hike in the woods. We saw turtles and ducks and got outside in the fresh air where…
Read MoreMoments of Chaos
We are a week into this family of six thing. And while I did everything I possibly could to prepare our boys and selves for our newest addition, it’s still been a huge shock. Somebody messaged me yesterday that one kid feels like two. Two feels like three. Three feels like five. And four feels like eight. She was right. The house suddenly feels smaller. And so much messier. The clutter is insane. Everyone is always hungry. The dogs nails feel louder on the hardwood floor. Naps feel shorter. And…
Read MoreThe Calm to Their Chaos
Life has slowed down over here. We are so used to running to and from, in and out. But we don’t mind. Because we have a baby to hold and snuggle. Sawyer and Harbie fight over who gets to hold her next. Harbie insists she is his baby. Sawyer, being a mature 8, refuses to argue but also insists that she is his. And Cooper, he is still taking his time. I know he’s proud though because this morning he tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention, and…
Read MoreA Family of Six
Well, we survived our first day and night as a family of six! Some things were as we expected. Some were a surprise. Sawyer is an amazing big brother and he fell in love instantly. Cooper is taking his time to get to know her and we are in no way rushing him. He acknowledged her at first and is now keeping his distance. Harbie is obsessed with her. At age two we didn’t quite know how he’d respond to her. Well, it’s all love. She is his baby and…
Read MoreWelcome to the World Wynter Margaret Swenson
Jamie and I are so excited to introduce to you all…Wynter ‘Wynnie’ Margaret Swenson. She was born yesterday, midday, and is the most perfect addition to our family. I cannot wait for the boys to meet her. A huge thank you to the amazing staff at Woodwinds Hospital. Our care was exceptional. And a special thank you to Nurse Betsy for her patience and kindness to our us. She was the best of the best. Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate…
Read MoreAnother Baby
Hubs was feeding Sawyer a bottle the other day and I made a comment about how cute they looked. Hubs said, “well, this is most likely my last baby so I want to soak it up.” STAB TO THE HEART. In another life I would have had 4 or 5 babies. I love babies. All I ever wanted to be was a mom. I love being pregnant and the excitement of waiting to meet the new love of my life. I love the baby grunts and the smell and nursing and…
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