The Year We Were Normal

2020 has been a hard year for most. Filled with uncertainty, fear, confusion, sleepless nights, isolation and more. We call that a Tuesday in our house. Truthfully not too much has changed in 2020 for us. Yes, we have less appointments and therapies, but the fear, the isolation, the constant anxiety. That’s every day for us. Now there is talk of an end, a vaccine, a possible return to normal. People of course are debating it but the end goal of all of this, is a return to normal. Dinner…

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Social Distancing With Autism

I’m getting a tiny chuckle (with love of course) at the people panicking about social distancing. We have been social distancing for nine years. Not by choice of course. No one told us we had to do it. It more happened out of necessity. Because of autism. When someone in your family doesn’t understand the world we live in and the world doesn’t understand him or her in return…well, you stay home more often than not. Because home is safe. You learn to social isolate real fast. See, my sweet…

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Never Give Up

It’s funny how life seems to happen. And sometimes in the most bizarre ways. For nine years you social isolate, so much in fact, you almost forget how to socialize. You know you can’t go to Walmart, or candy stores or parks or even walk down the street safely. If there are crowds or lines or loud sounds it ain’t happening. So, you adjust. You figure it out. You learn to live and keep going. Then, suddenly, it seems to get easier. Not overnight. Far from it really. Instead after…

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Welcome to Our World

Welcome to our world. I have said that a lot lately. While the world has stopped in its tracks not much has changed in our world. This is our life. Isolation. I was thinking about it yesterday and, the special needs community is far more prepared for this. We have been preparing for this for years. We are isolated all the time. For years, the only time we left our home was for work school or therapy. We worked hard on leaving our home. There was a time when Kya…

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The Neurotypical’s Meltdown

I am NOT a “visual person.”  My husband sees everything, even the hidden structure of a complex machine simply based on form, function, and the noise it makes. My husband is NOT a “listener.”  I hear everything, even the raw truth betrayed by single word choice. Yin and yang.  Peas and carrots.  Amy and Sheldon. I may get the gold star for daily grinding, but he has saved my life more times than I can count, literally and figuratively.  If I am the trusty ole’ engine, he is the emergency…

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Too Familiar

Doesn’t all of this feel oddly familiar to you? So terrified of the future. Haven’t you felt that before? The fear of the unknown? Continual anxiety caused by the ultimate invisible boogey man we call… time. When will this change? How long will this last? When will this get better? Almost too familiar. So many questions but no one has concrete answers. Actually, let me rephrase. No one has answers that make sense to my non-expert brain. Information is flooding in fast but it is all so confusing and contradictory…

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The Autism Merry-Go-Round

Some days, it feels like we are climbing onto the exact same merry-go-round that we were on yesterday, and the day before that and the one before that.  The same music, same speed, same smells, and my son would undoubtedly choose the same horse to ride every single time.  We continue, round and round, stuck on a loop. Sounds peaceful, right? Until the song changes, an undesirable sound or image comes into the loop. Or the lights are too bright or too dim. Something familiar is missing, out of place…

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Please Remember the Kids Like My Daughter

I can’t catch my breath. Not because I’m sick. But because I’m scared. I know that this is a difficult time for all of us. I’m especially scared though for my daughter Liz and for other kids with special needs. And for their families. Liz’s therapy center is now closed indefinitely. No ABA, no speech therapy, no occupational therapy. I am scared that she will regress and lose much of the progress that she has made without access to these therapies. She has worked too hard and come too far…

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Social Distancing; A Way of Life for Some

Social distancing. For a lot of people this is a new concept. Being alone, nowhere to go, no play dates, no birthday parties, no big family gatherings…staying home alone seems to be make people very uneasy. It’s hard and people are reassuring each other that “it’s just temporary“ and that life will go back to “normal” soon enough. But for some of us, this has been a way of life for a long time. What if this is your new normal? I get it. I used to be the mom…

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There is No Summer Vacation for Working Autism Parents

February is over and the pressure is on. What are we going to do with our daughter Ally this summer—the void of endless time and childcare needs? Ally is on the autism spectrum and will be 6-years-old this summer. The part of parenting I never expected to hate the most is summer. I always imagined we would plan trips, go on adventures, and spend a few weeks together each year making memories, the way families should. But for our family, there are no vacations and trips as we juggle to…

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