A Look at Nonverbal Autism

A few nights ago I was talking to an acquaintance about Super Cooper. He was asking me questions about what it’s like to have a nonverbal child. He asked me if it is sad. He asked me if it was quiet. He asked me if Cooper has a desire to communicate. All AMAZING questions. They even brought me back to the day a speech therapist told me that we should prepare ourselves for the very possible fact that our beautiful son may never speak. I’ll admit, that sentence leveled me.…

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New Video: Wondering Why My Child

As parents, we can play a vicious game of ‘why my kid.’ I’ve been there. When my son was younger I would look around and wonder why. I did everything right when I was pregnant. Why is my beautiful boy not meeting milestones? Why is he not talking? Why him? Why our family? I’d hear stories of mothers who did drugs or drank during pregnancy and had perfectly healthy children. And I’d wonder why him. Why our family. I’m human. And so are you. I’ve had countless mothers tell me…

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VIDEO: A Realistic Look at the Future

Today, I want to talk about the future. I want to talk about how we are preparing ourselves and Cooper to have success as he ages. For years I wondered what it looked like. Would Cooper talk? Would he live on his own? Would he be potty trained? Would he have self care? No one could tell me. And often, if I brought it up, people outside my world would say I was being negative. That I should stop thinking about the future. So, for a while I stopped. And…

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New Video: Moving and Cyber Bullying

Hello friends! I am so excited to do a quick video this morning. I’m going to cover two topics. Moving and Slander/Cyber Bullying. Both topics are equally interesting and I recommend you watch through the whole video. As many of you know, our family is moving once again. Many of you have asked questions about how Cooper handles moving and how we prepare him for a positive transition. This is Cooper’s fifth move. He is surprisingly resilient and handles the transitions very well. As his parents, we also do everything…

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Ear Infections, A CT Scan, and Autism

My Super Cooper had some rough ear pain last night. It was the first time in his life he has ever cried out screaming and crying. My kid is tough. Jamie and I practically levitated out of our chairs at the intensity of his screams. When your kid is nonverbal you start to understand cries and noises. This was real. For a brief second I was scared to look in his room. By the sound of his screams I couldn’t really imagine what had happened. He was laying in bed…

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Some Days I Have Nothing Left

I brought Cooper to the doctor this morning. He’s had chronic ear infections for years and I need to know why. My son is living in pain and he shouldn’t have too. His behaviors sky rocket the worse he feels. Fix the pain, fix the behaviors. Seems pretty easy right? I knew this appointment was going to be bad. I never take Cooper anywhere alone anymore. At nearly 70 pounds I struggle to have control of him. He is fast and sneaky and a runner. One of Cooper’s biggest struggles…

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Building Your Special Needs Mom Tribe

How do you build your mom tribe? What a question right? Making friends after 30 feels impossible. And then add in a child with special needs and it feels even more impossible. You can’t leave your house. You are perceptually exhausted. No one you know has a child with special needs. It feels like you can’t relate to anyone anymore. I get it. Take a listen as I discuss why it is hard to find friendships and maintain them when you have a child with special needs and how I…

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Questions About My Autistic Son’s Future

I’ve been on this thinking, planning and talking about the future kick. I get like this every so often. I have periods where I think about the future and prepare with energy and urgency. And then I’ll have periods where I refuse to even think about Cooper growing up. I have to block it out. It’s simply too much. Lately though, I’ve been really curious about the future. The sadness and fear have taken a back seat to my general curiosity about severe autism in adults. What does it look…

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Realizing How it Should Be…

I had one of those ‘this is how it should be’ parenting moments this morning. I was able to bring my four-year-old to preschool today. We weren’t in a hurry and chatted as we drove. When we arrived, we walked in together. He took off his boots, hung up his bag and jacket and went and sat down and played. I spoke with his teacher, looked at his artwork and so on. And then I left. Sounds so simple, right? I’ve never had an experience like that with my autistic…

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The Scary Reality of Forever as a Special Needs Parent

The idea of forever is very different when you have a child with special needs.  Will my child ever living on their own? Will they have self care? There are times when I will look at my son and think, ‘this might be okay.’ He might learn to understand safety. He might learn to communicate his wants and needs. He might, maybe someday, be able to stay home alone. But in all honesty, the future is unknown. I don’t know if these things will ever happen. And as parents we…

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