Questions About My Autistic Son’s Future

I’ve been on this thinking, planning and talking about the future kick. I get like this every so often. I have periods where I think about the future and prepare with energy and urgency. And then I’ll have periods where I refuse to even think about Cooper growing up. I have to block it out. It’s simply too much.
Lately though, I’ve been really curious about the future. The sadness and fear have taken a back seat to my general curiosity about severe autism in adults. What does it look like? What will our life be like? Will I be caring for him 100%?
This morning I cut Cooper’s waffle up, sat down, and helped him eat it. Just like I have been doing for seven years. And I started to wonder if I will be doing this forever? There’s that word again.
Will he be able to grab a glass of water and drink it? Will he be able to use a stove? Will I be preparing his meals and feeding him for the rest of his life? Will we be able to go places together? Will we have a typical mother-son relationship?
These questions flood my mind sometimes. And honestly, in a way, I find them to be somewhat comforting. It means my mind is open to thinking about the future. I’m trying to figure out what it’s going to be like.
Take a listen as I discuss the future.
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