Supporting Friends and Family Through a Diagnosis

What do I say to friends and family? The awkwardness of the parent’s thinking: “How are they going to respond, what am I going to say back, etc.” Kind deeds go a long way with someone going through a rough time. Has a friend or family member just received a diagnosis for them or their child? The Friends and Family Friday blog has been in the works for a very long time.  The intention behind this is to help educate because knowledge is power. There are some tough times when…

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A Good Enough Mom

I never want to come across as having it all together. Because the honest truth is, I do not. No one is doing it all. And if they claim to, then they are either lying, have a lot of help, or forgot how hard it is raising tiny humans. I don’t share too often the tough parts. I’m a sensitive person and always have been. I don’t like to be criticized or challenged. Sure, I’ve grown a lot in this role of special needs parenting. But I’m a people-pleaser by…

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A Few Things I Have Learned About Motherhood

As I near my due date with my fourth baby, and slowly lose my mind daily with the three I already have, I find myself thinking a lot about mothering. And all that goes into it. Here are a few of the things I’ve learned along the way: 1. Having children is like having the worst roommates sometimes. They move your stuff, eat your food, and leave dishes all over the house. Try to remember though that messes clean up. 2. Your children can be just like you, or polar…

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To The Mom…

To the mom with bags under her eyes from getting up hours before school to take her son to his appointments To the mom sitting by her baby girl in the hospital bed yet again while she fights for her life To the single mom on food stamps who hasn’t worked in years because the calls from school are too frequent To the mom who is still caring for her son well into her old age who prays someone will take over when she’s gone To the mom who had…

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The Graceful and Not So Graceful Lessons I learned in 2019:

Well adjusted, self sufficient, independent women can completely lose themselves to motherhood. Even ones who appear to have it all together. They can also find themselves again. Sleep deprivation presents itself as depression. And marriage problems. And weight gain or weight loss. And a whole lotta other tough words. Sleep deprivation is torture. You must find a way to sleep. Pour your energy into the positive people in your life. Surround yourself with them. Soak up their energy and laughter. Text them. Call them. Invite them into your crazy, weird…

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Mom, I Can Never Thank You Enough

You know the saying, “It takes a village.” Well, now I totally get it. Being a Mom is no walk in the park. You are constantly doing for everybody else, and rarely have time for yourself. I went the whole weekend without showering. I even skipped dinner and didn’t realize until I was starving at 10pm.  Mom brain is in full force, at all times! So, on the days when I feel like I am at my weakest, and I get a random call from my Mom asking if Harper…

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The Kindness of a Mom who Gets it

My husband’s team lost their football game Friday night. It was a tough loss to a rival and I know many people would love to forget it ever happened, but something wonderful happened at that game that I hope I never forget.   I was tired and almost didn’t go. It had been a long week at school, but I felt guilty for missing last week’s game. Eli reconfirmed my decision to go when I told him we were going bye bye and he replied, “football?”  The fact that he remembered…

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Why do I have to be ‘That Mom’

Why is it so hard to get services for our kiddos?  Why do I feel that I am the only one who sees him?  The real him. The fun, silly and loving him.  Why do I have to annoy the school constantly….reminding them of who he is and how amazing he is? 4 weeks into school and every week (sometimes daily) it’s been something.  He is not mean or aggressive….he is autistic and preverbal.  He doesn’t understand what THEY want.  He can’t communicate what HE wants.  I’m saying what I…

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Is That What You Want?

I just received a phone call from the office that my son’s doctor referred us to for an autism evaluation. I expected they would be calling soon to schedule an appointment. What I didn’t expect was what actually took place on the phone. I just sat there like an idiot, not even sure what to say. *Ring Ring Me: Hello Her: Hi, is this Mrs. Foster? Me: Yes it is. Her: I’m calling from (insert office name here). We received a referral for your son for autism testing. (quiet pause)…

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Why Parents of Kids with Special Needs Stay Silent

As parents of kids with special needs we know our lives are different than most. Our highs are higher and our challenges are more significant. While our peers are registering kids for sports we are arguing with the insurance company about the cost of a stroller. Or trying to figure out a new behavior. We are getting babysitters for teenage kids and researching a new medication. We are putting up door alarms and trying to balance the world of special needs with the typical world. And we are celebrating our…

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