Seeing the Best in Others: A Lesson from Sensory Santa

Seeing the Best in Others  Seeing the best in others. Seeing the greatness in others. Letting them know.  Our non-profit Dexter’s Dream has had a Sensory Santa event for the last three years.. Occasionally after Santa and the child were done taking pictures he would ask the Mom or Dad to sit down by him. And what transpired after that was beautiful and brought tears to anyone in the room who witnessed it, which was primarily me and other family members. Santa would ask questions so kindly about the child…

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How to Deal with a Difficult Diagnosis

How to Deal with a Difficult Diagnosis When others hear we have a special needs son and a daughter with dyslexia we often get asked, “How to deal with a difficult diagnosis? How did we deal with it with it being our children?”  How to Deal with a Difficult Diagnosis for my Child The day of a diagnosis is one of those events in your life that you remember every detail of. There was shock, fear, feeling scared, and so much more; all the feelings. There was a point where…

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Perspective Matters

Perspective Matters Why is perspective important in life Perspective Matters. It’s a matter of perspective. I’ve been up for several hours researching, and figuring out ways to do what’s best for our child as we navigate our IEP situation. I know it will all work out exactly the way it’s supposed to. I stopped for a moment to think about perspective. Seeing each situation for what it is and honoring where they as human beings are in life. Yes, on several occasions my mind wanted to go into judgment by…

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Siblings of Child with Special Needs

The reality of being a sibling of a child who has special needs, unique needs, disabilities…however you prefer to say it. The reality of Siblings of children with special needs is hard for most people to grasp if they have not been in that situation. Last summer, we dropped my oldest son off for camp and it was just myself, my husband, and the two girls for 3 days straight! This was a first for such an extended period of time. Yes, he has stayed with Grandpa while we took…

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Supporting Friends and Family Through a Diagnosis

What do I say to friends and family? The awkwardness of the parent’s thinking: “How are they going to respond, what am I going to say back, etc.” Kind deeds go a long way with someone going through a rough time. Has a friend or family member just received a diagnosis for them or their child? The Friends and Family Friday blog has been in the works for a very long time.  The intention behind this is to help educate because knowledge is power. There are some tough times when…

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