Posts Tagged ‘Minnesota’
Finding Cooper’s Voice Brunch: A Place I Belonged
The kind of isolation I feel as the mom to an autistic child is hard to explain. For me it is not always being alone or being ostracized by others. I grew up one of six kids. I can handle alone because it was my sanctuary as a child. This is different. I remember before we even knew it was autism, I began searching. Searching for what was happening. Instead of enjoying play groups or church, I was anxiously watching my son behave differently than the other toddlers. I would…
Read MoreHe Said He Can’t Breathe, Mama
Last night, I was glued to the local news, when my son came paddling down the stairs in his pajamas. His hair was crazy messed and his skin tan from the sun already, even though it is still only May. It was 10:17 pm. He should have been sleeping. He knew that. I knew that. But he also knew that there was some sort of flashy light noise thingy keeping him awake. At least that is what he tried to convince me of. I was tired of bedtime negotiations and…
Read MoreI’m not the Fun Parent
I had a long talk with my son’s teacher last night at conferences about reading and math and wiggle breaks and how much I value my son’s kindness and heart above all. After that we spoke about much he is motivated by doing activities with his dad. I sorta smiled. And snickered. See, I’ve been noticing that too in his school work. His creative writing stories and drawings all include Dad and ice fishing and hockey and baseball. His teacher said, ‘trust me Kate, I know how much mom’s do.’…
Read MoreDream Night at the Minnesota Zoo
Dream Night at the Minnesota Zoo is my most favorite event ever. Every year I leave feeling humbled, thankful and so happy to see so many families just like ours. There is no walking on eggshells. There is no worrying that people are judging us. There is no panicking when our kid runs or flaps or melts down. Instead, it’s beautiful children and amazing parents, caregivers, grandparents, therapists and others who live in our world. The boys each had a blast. Cooper spent his time running and looking for penguins!…
Read MoreA Simple Procedure
Dear Children’s Hospital, We just left your Saint Paul hospital. We visit you often. Not for super serious things thankfully. Ear tubes, Adenoids, Impaction, sedated blood draws, to name a few. We’ve been going to doctors for so long that at this point, I don’t know if my son is getting easier, we are getting stronger, or hospitals are finally starting to get it. Either way, today went well. Although I always like to say a huge success in our world is probably still an epic fail by typical standards.…
Read MoreDropping My Best Fake Smile
Some days, most days actually, I am happy. Like, really happy. Why would I not be? I am blessed beyond belief. I have three amazing kids and a wonderful husband. My family is healthy. So am I. We do not lack for anything. I recognize our blessings. And I am thankful for them. But my life, by most people’s standards, is hard. It’s loud. It’s chaotic. It may appear as if I am drowning at times. Or like I’m barely keeping my head above water. It also may appear that…
Read MoreOur Weekend in Five Photos
Taking photos of my beautiful boys and crazy, wild life is one of my favorite things to do. Part of me wishes I would have became a photographer. Photos show our life in a way that my written words never could. Super Cooper celebrated his eight birthday at school on Friday. He brought cupcakes and they had a dance party. I can’t even tell you how much it means to me to get photos sent to me of him enjoying his day. When you have a nonverbal kid, you typically…
Read MoreWe’d Become What I Was Most Afraid Of….
When my son was diagnosed with autism over four years ago, I remember not being able to picture him as a teen. And not one person in my life, not doctors, not therapists, could tell me what the future held. The unknown is very, very hard. I think it’s harder than knowing. I so badly needed a glimpse of the future. I needed to know what nonverbal looked like at age 15. Or 20. But I was scared too. I am big enough to admit that I wasn’t ready to…
Read MoreSpecial Needs Parenting Under a Microscope
You know what I find to be the hardest part of taking my severely autistic son out in public…And it’s not what you think. It’s not the screaming. Or the meltdowns. Or the running or chasing. Or his anxiety. Or managing my stress on top of his. It’s doing it all under a microscope. The curious stares. The people. The knowing how loud my son is. Knowing what a scene we are indeed making. The praying that nothing really bad happens. The hyper awareness that is needed. The worry. It’s…
Read MoreThe Lessons We Learn Along the Way
I read a quote today by Shakespeare. “I cried when I had no shoes, But I stopped crying when I saw a man without legs…” Wow, did that hit me hard. I want you to know that I was devastated when my son was diagnosed with autism. I am a big enough person to admit that. I couldn’t understand how or why. Why him. Why our family. Why. And, I even knew it was coming. I’d done my research. I saw the writing on the wall. He wasn’t talking at…
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