Posts Tagged ‘language delay’
Autism and Siblings…Now What?
Autism Awareness month has ended and we now have an official diagnosis…for the second time. Let me clarify. My son received a very early diagnosis thanks to my daughter. You see our girl had her difficulties in language development leading to early intervention services. Yet no autism diagnosis. We did the developmental doctor visit and left with a language developmental delay and sensory processing disorder as I was hugely pregnant with our son. Do I dare say relief? As our daughter’s language developed it was a breath of fresh air. …
Read MoreWaiting Around for Something to Change
Meal time has changed. It used to be the most dreaded part of our day. Not anymore! I don’t know what did it but Cooper is eating great, not throwing and also sitting with us during mealtime. LIFE CHANGING! And as quickly as one behavior gets better another gets worse. Meal time is better and now he has taken throwing to an all new level. Awesome. If I was to describe Cooper’s life to people I would say that ‘something’ is always off. I remember sitting with girlfriends or parents or…
Read MoreJust A Little Ole 'H' Sound
I have some exciting news from yesterday. This is so subtle that I truly don’t believe anyone would have ever noticed it but me. And I made Cooper repeat the action so I could make sure it was real. We were reading book number 4 before bed last night. It was this big book about Sesame Street. Lots of colors and pictures and actions. Per the usual, I ask Cooper to point to different things. ‘Cooper, where is the red balloon? Where is the blue car? And so on.’ I…
Read MoreWe All Want What We Want, Exactly When We Want It.
Cooper has an opinion on everything. Every. Single. Thing. We. Do. I get him a blue cup and he wants a red cup. I put his snack in a blue bowl and he wants his Lightening McQueen Bowl. For his snack he wants a few Cheerios, Chex Mix, Goldfish and 2 Vanilla Wafer Crackers. No compromise on this one. He wants his Thomas shirt. Not his blue dinosaur shirt. He doesn’t want to sit in his booster anymore. He wants to pick his chair and also pick where mom and…
Read MoreHe Sat Still Folks!
I have to share this! Cooper had a cold yesterday. I am kind of worried that he might have an ear infection which would mean that his tube most likely fell out. Ugh. I can’t even think about it. It seems to be gone today though. Anyhow, I picked him up from daycare and for the first time in 2 years we rode home in silence. Usually, he ‘chats’ the whole ride. It borders whining with a bit of pointing and shrieking. Oh, to know what is in that kid’s…
Read MorePlease Take the Time To Listen To My Child.
I read something on the Apraxia Facebook page that brought me to tears. I have voiced SO MANY of my worries about Cooper’s future ranging from school to bullying to interacting with others. And the worry doesn’t stop there. I want and need Cooper to be popular and loved. I want and need him to have friends and be successful in relationships. What mom wouldn’t want these things? I read a post on the Apraxia Facebook page that brought me to tears. I was just sick after reading it. It went something like…
Read MoreBaby Book Guilt
I am a very sentimental person. Always have been always will. (Sorry hubs, not going to change!) I take way too many pictures and keep way to many souvenirs. I am a sucker for mushy lovey dovey stuff. So, I have been feeling like a real slacker lately because I am way behind on Sawyer’s baby book. My boys are growing up so fast. Heck, I am even behind on developing pictures. And this is so not me. I’d like to blame it on the fact that I have two extremely active kids,…
Read MoreWhat If My Son Never Talks?
I tell myself on a daily basis that Cooper might not talk. I have too…for me. (This is one of my freak out posts.) I am pretty sure it is a defense mechanism. I have even started saying it to my parents. It’s like I almost need to shock them or something. But not to be mean or hurtful. I need them to get it. I need them to understand that this is really, really serious. On a scale of 1 to Oh My God this is Oh My God plus one.…
Read MoreNext Steps
After my bad day last week I took a much needed time out. I spoke with my husband and my dear friend. And I also spoke with Cooper’s speech therapist. As I suspected they would be, all 3 conversations were very different. I also joined an amazing group on Facebook about Apraxia. If you suspect that your child might have Apraxia JOIN THIS GROUP! It’s called Apraxia–Every Child Deserves A Voice. I am so thankful I found it. The moms are just like me. Scared and sad and exhausted. But there…
Read MoreWhat If It's Not Autism?
When I finally decided to start blogging about Cooper I knew I wanted to write this post. I have been thinking about it for months. And trying to decide how to word it. I am Google obsessed. I have mentioned it before. I usually search in private after the kids have gone to bed. (Maybe I need an intervention!!) And it’s usually after some horrific scene has taken place. A bad visit to the doctor or a tantrum during speech. Or maybe its the opposite. Maybe someone is telling me…
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