Posts Tagged ‘autism parent’
Our Girl is on the Mend
So many of you have asked for a Wynnie update. She is on the mend. Yesterday was a tough day but Children’s Minnesota did an amazing job. The care was exceptional as usual. Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you face. And once you find your people, your allies, your village….all the challenges and struggles will seem just a little bit easier. Welcome to our…
Read MoreTo the Caregivers, You are not Alone
My good friends Kate at Finding Cooper’s Voice and Amanda at Jackson’s Journey, Jackson’s Voice, have started a campaign called More than a Caregiver. They are raising money so they can help give special needs caregivers free therapy sessions. It’s so important for special needs parents to know that they have somewhere to turn when it gets tough, that someone understands them and that they are not alone. I’ve been interviewing a lot of moms this last year. One thing they all say is that the pandemic has helped people…
Read MoreRemember My Boy
The next time you are stuck at the grocery store, irritated with the man at the front of the growing line because he keeps chatting with the clerk, think of my boy. The man might be verbally ruminating about new soda flavors he saw on tv or explaining his frustration that the store is out of the only bread he eats. How it is very important because he eats this bread for every meal in his day. He may also bring up the triangle-shaped crackers he saw on aisle seven.…
Read MoreAsking for Help Didn’t Make Me Weak, It Made Me Stronger
For some people it’s the diagnosis that stings. That punch in the gut that takes the breath right out of you. For me it was the months that followed. My whole life…the word Autism never meant anything bad. It never really meant anything to me. I felt relieved that finally no one could place the blame on me for my son’s behaviors and actions. However, that diagnosis became way too real for me. For the first time ever at Jackson’s first therapy appointment, he would not look at his therapists.It…
Read MoreDon’t Mistake My Kindness for Weakness
I’ve thought and thought on this subject. I’ve taken every inflection and word to heart. And, I simply don’t agree. I’ve been told on more than one occasion, “Why don’t you put down your phone and bleeping take care of your kids?!?” First of all, I am not anything like you! I do not have the luxury of going to get my nails done, or a facial every other week. I don’t get to go on weekend mini girls trips every once in a while for self care. I…
Read MoreA Love Letter to a Fellow Autism Mom
The love language for a special needs parent to feel seen, accepted, and understood is as simple as a head nod, and a “me too” on a zoom call or a quick chat on the phone. Or maybe even in the grocery store where your child is having a hard time. If you’ve ever been that person for another special needs mom, you’ve changed their life, you’ve made them feel seen, and they thank you for it. Thank you for sharing your story of walking through the hard, so that…
Read MoreHappy Birthday Sweet Boy
Please help me wish this little cutie a happy 8th birthday today! I know it’s cliche, but the days are long and the years are short. I’m not sure how he’s 8 already! He will forever be my little buddy. Happy birthday Sawyer! Now time needs to stop! I can’t have you grow up anymore. Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you face. And once…
Read MoreI am Not That Strong
“You are so strong.” If I had a dollar for every time someone has said that to me, I’d have enough money to pay for ABA Therapy…out of pocket. If you aren’t a special needs mom that might not make sense to you, but trust me, it is A LOT of money. I first started hearing it when I got divorced. Then even more once my son was diagnosed with Autism. A single mom to a special need’s child. I get it – It sounds strong. Here is the thing…
Read More19 weeks
Truth time. I’ve been sad this pregnancy, which isn’t an emotion I’m used too. Happy, angry, exhausted, motivated, hungry…yes. Those emotions I know well. (Is hungry an emotion? I say yes because I feel that shit in my soul.) But sad…almost never. Especially not during any of my prior pregnancies. I am a glass half full kind of girl. A find the joy, focus on the positive person. So it’s been a tough go this last 19 weeks. I feel like a stranger in my own body most days. Like…
Read MoreComing May 2021
Baby girl Swenson joining her army of superhero brothers in May 2021! She’s going to be one loved little girl. I’m so excited with how these photos turned out! Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you face. And once you find your people, your allies, your village….all the challenges and struggles will seem just a little bit easier. Welcome to our journey. You can also follow…
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