Three Things I’ve Learned About Raising Boys

Things I’ve learned as a mom to my three boys… It’s nearly impossible to keep them clean. But messes typically equal fun so it’s important to remember you can hose them off later. They love to pee in the woods. There is just something about it. Trees are made for climbing. Little trees. Big trees. Trees with no branches. All trees must climbed. But also know they most likely will not ACTUALLY climb any trees. Just attempt. All found sticks must be thrown, no matter the size. Sticks also make…

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The World Needs Your Story

Here are 12 of the now nearly 100 members of Finding Cooper’s Voice Blog Squad. Daily they inspire, advocate, educate, and give hope to others going through the special needs life. Each of them has started either a blog and/or social media channels to help advocate. It has been amazing watching each of them grow and help others simply by sharing their story. Have a blog or social channels that’s focused on advocacy? Come join us! Here’s how: 1. Join Coop’s Troops: 2. Join Coop’s Troop Blog Squad Remember,…

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Happy Birthday Sweet Boy

Please help me wish this little cutie a happy 8th birthday today! I know it’s cliche, but the days are long and the years are short. I’m not sure how he’s 8 already! He will forever be my little buddy. Happy birthday Sawyer! Now time needs to stop! I can’t have you grow up anymore. Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you face. And once…

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