Autism After 40: “Where Did That Come From?”

Dad here.  Big Dude is a perpetual three-year-old but many times we see him mature and show a different side of himself that makes Mom and me scratch our heads and ask rhetorically, “Where did that come from?” One such ritual is Big Dude’s insistence that I am fully dressed for the day from the moment we greet each other. Big Dude picks out my shirt. There are several that are his favorites. He chooses my trousers, shoes, and socks. If I am standing he will often push me gently…

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‘The Reason I Jump’ Film Gives a Platform to Discuss Nonverbal Autism

Have you watched this film yet? When I heard that they were turning the best-selling book ‘The Reason I Jump’ into a full-length documentary film I was SO excited. For those who haven’t read the book, yet, it was written in 2007 from the perspective of a nonspeaking 13-year-old boy, Naoki Higashida. The book was later translated to English which made it rise in popularity even further! I gave it a read after seeing Jon Stewart mention it when he was the host of The Daily Show. The 82-minute documentary…

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You are Our Hero

Young love, there’s nothing like it.  You live in this bubble of hope. You make plans for the future and wonder about what your life together will bring. You dream about where you will live, how many children you will have, what vacations you will take. You look forward to a happy life together. Especially being so young and naive you are not imagining all the heartbreak and loss you will have to go through.  It’s a part of life and how you cope and support each other as a couple…

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Will This be Our Forever?

My son, I’m waiting to read you your nightly story, like I do every night, like I have for years. You still play with Thomas The Train and watch childlike videos. You still need to be bathed just like a young child. I wonder if I’ll do this forever or if one day you’ll grow up. You see, you are actually all grown up physically. You’re a grown up 20-year old man but cognitively…well, that’s a different story. I know some things will change, but what I don’t know is…

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An Open Letter to Those who Bully People With Special Needs

Dear Bully, When I was in public school I used to be bullied by people like you. You would see me in the corner, usually trying to keep to myself and wonder why I was there. Other times you would see me having issues reading out loud in class and snicker while I tried to pronounce different words. You’d take my inability to understand sarcasm as a way to get me in trouble. Worst of all, you’d make me feel like an outsider when more than anything I wanted to…

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Each Person With ASD Is A Raw Gemstone

I wrote an essay recently about how my 16-year old son Jack got a job, and then a promotion, at local restaurant. This might not seem like a big deal, but Jack has autism. He struggles with regulation, executive functioning, severe anxiety, and communication. In other words, he jumps around a lot, he has little to no working memory, he’s afraid of loud noises, and he can be a little, uh, abrupt. A few days ago, I got an email from a lovely young woman, describing her own journey to…

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