Posts Tagged ‘apraxia’
He Made up for It
Yesterday when I was talking about the chapters in my book, someone asked about Cooper’s relationship with his dad. And if I touched on it in my writing. The person then asked a follow up question about affection. ‘Does Cooper show affection to his dad? Has he always?’ The answer is no…he hasn’t always shown affection outwardly. Coops was more of a lone wolf when he was younger. And it was hard at times. Lonely even. We wanted so desperately to engage with our beautiful son. But his dad made…
Read MoreTrust in the Good
Today is my son’s third day of school. He is a fifth grader. I get so scared sending him anywhere alone. But I have to trust. I have to trust in good and kind and grace. I have to trust that people will know the yellow haired boys name is Cooper because he won’t be able to say it under pressure. I have to trust that they will ask him if he wants a drink of water because he won’t think to ask. I have to trust that they will…
Read MoreThank You for Learning About Autism
I want to say the hugest, most heartfelt thank you to each and everyone of you who has supported me and my family on this journey. I know that so many of you have fallen in love with Cooper and our story. Sawyer, Harbor and Wynnie too. And of course Jamie. 8 years ago I sat on my couch in Duluth, MN and I created a blog. I named it Finding Cooper’s Voice. And I truly had no intention of anyone every reading it. I poured my heart out to…
Read MoreThe Big Reveal is Tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the day! Finally! The big reveal of my book cover. I am so excited for you all to see it. Cooper and I will go live right here (time TBD) to reveal it. He is going to be so excited. He adores photos of our family. So much so that he carries them, sleeps with them, and loves them until they are worn thin. The photo we chose for the cover is one of his absolute favorites. This photo came in a close close second and was almost…
Read MorePreorder Forever Boy Today
Four more days until the cover of my book, Forever Boy, is revealed! It is available on Amazon now though for preorder! This photo is one of the runner ups for the cover. It’s one of my favorite pictures of my boy and me. Someone asked me what the book is about and how it will differ from my blog. When you have a child diagnosed with something, anything, your world changes in an instant. It gets smaller for one. Suddenly, you feel like you are the only person on…
Read MoreAre You Hearing This?
My son Cooper doesn’t have a lot to say verbally. But he’s always communicating. Sometimes it’s a point or a wave. A sound. A facial expression. A click of a button. A stomp of a foot. He’s always listening too. He hears everything. In fact he’s incredibly nosey. He nods sometimes. Or smiles at something we’ve said. Or even scowls. He adores sounds. The hoot of an owl. The screech of a tire. The whistle of a train. And the roar of a wave. I think he hears things that…
Read MoreMy Fears are Different
Parents have many fears for their children as they grow up…but as a special needs mother, my fears are so different than most. It’s difficult to put into words. So here I go…. It’s hard not to have tears roll down your face at night when everyone is asleep..when you look at your child so perfect, who is sound asleep, just thinking how much you love them. You lay there and think about everything. You can’t turn off your thoughts and fears. It’s hard to relax and take a deep…
Read MoreAccepting Our Reality
It could be worse. I have repeated these four words while laying in bed crying, feeling helpless over my son’s recent autism diagnosis. All my hopes and dreams for his future no longer existed. What’s going to happen? I can’t explain the feeling that sets in, your child has a life long disability. The feeling of panic took over me. Some days consumed me. The sleepless nights and anxiety take a toll. It could be worse, he is healthy. Will he be a victim of discrimination, taken advantage of, mocked or hurt?? …
Read MoreThe Mistakes I’ve Made
I’m going to tell you a not-so-secret secret. I have made some mistakes over the years in my parenting journey. Shocker, right? Not really I suppose. There are no perfect parents, and this stuff is hard. I have three boys. They are 10, 8, and 2. I also am 28 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. Life is about to get a whole lot crazier. My ten-year-old has autism and on paper is nonverbal. My 8-year-old is my emotional guy. And the toddler, don’t even get me started on him.…
Read MoreI’ve Been a Primary Caregiver for 30 Years. Here is What I Want you to Know:
Hi, my name is Kelly and I am the mother to an amazing young man named Steven. He was diagnosed with autism at age 2 and later apraxia. He recently turned 30 and is a dynamic, smart, interesting, funny young man. We share our story on Instagram at Growing Up Steven. Being a primary caregiver for the last 30 years has rewarded me with a few things: A panic disorder, depression, anxiety, excessive worry, marriage struggles, and at times, not the mom my kids deserved. I want you to learn…
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