
I’m Thankful For You: My Mother-in-Law

November 22, 2017

(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Cathy Fitzgerald and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.) My name is Cathy Fitzgerald and I am the mammy to a beautiful, funny, cheeky little 4-year-old train obsessed boy named Caelan. Along with his daddy Ed, we all live in Boyle in County Roscommon in the Republic of Ireland. This November I want to honor and thank my Mother-in-Law Trish, the best Nana ever. Caelan was diagnosed with ASD on February 14 of this year…a valentines I will never forget.…

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And Just Like That, Hope Bubbles Up

November 22, 2017

There is a funny thing that happens when you have a child with autism. When I walked out of Cooper’s diagnosis appointment, I felt every single emotion possible. We waited for 7 months for that appointment. The day came. The appointment happened. We got the diagnosis. We left. I cried. Everything was immediately different yet exactly the same. I was not the same woman that I was just a few minutes prior. I was an autism parent. A special needs parent. I had a label. I was immediately different from…

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I’m Thankful For You: My Best Friend

November 21, 2017

(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Gina Schaal and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.) This November I would like to recognize and give a huge thank you to my best friend, Sanna Jensen.  She is not only my friend but my son’s Personal Care Attendant (PCA) and lifesaver for our family! First, some background about my family. I live in Minnesota with my husband, Dan, my two sons, a cat and a dog!  My oldest son, Carter is currently 13 and is nonverbal. As an…

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What Does Nonverbal Autism Really Look Like?

November 21, 2017

Before my son was diagnosed with autism at age three I had never heard the term, nonverbal autism. Not once. I had no idea that some children never learn to speak. Even to this day it still confuses me at times. My son is almost seven. He has no words. He is nonverbal. And I don’t know if he will ever learn to speak. I dread when people ask. I don’t know what to tell them. Throughout every step of the last four years all I have ever wanted is…

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I’m Thankful For You: My Daughter, An Advocate

November 20, 2017

(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Amy Herbert and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.) This November I want to honor and thank my daughter Isabelle Rose Herbert: Our son Ben’s smallest (yet biggest) advocate. Our daughter Isabelle was our first born. She was speaking in full sentences by 18 months and was (and is) such a rule follower. Just as perfect as a baby and toddler could get! She is just an all around amazing, smart, kind, and compassionate human. There was a reason God…

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A Guide for Visiting the Dentist With Your Autistic Child

November 20, 2017

Visits to the Dentist can be very stressful when you have an autistic child. And not just for the child! Parents feel the stress as well. They know how their kid is most likely going to react and then add in other unknowns like a new place, hygienists and dentists touching their kiddo, inability to follow directions, other people at the dentist office, screaming, kicking, sensory processing disorder, anxiety…eek. It’s a lot to prepare for and think about. I brought my autistic son to his first dentist appointment last month.…

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My Greatest Fear As An Autism Mom

November 19, 2017

Raising a kiddo with an unknown future is tough. It takes a toll on a parent’s sanity and emotions. I have fears for my autistic son that I would never have for my typical son. And, I think it is important to say these fears out loud. When my son was diagnosed I just wanted to find someone that talked about autism realistically. I needed someone to say they were scared and that they were tired and worried. But I couldn’t find that person which in turn, made me feel…

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I’m Thankful For You: My Daughter’s Grandma

November 19, 2017

(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Katie McGregory and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.) This November, I want to honor my mom Julie. She’s my number one partner in this autism journey. Yes, I have a husband, but he works and is not as involved in the autism/therapy/insurance stuff on a daily basis. My mom is the first person I usually call about Addie’s accomplishments, about ABA, speech, etc. She’s been to many important appointments and evaluations with me. She’s read books and educated herself…

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I’m Thankful For You: Jackson And His Jedis

November 18, 2017

(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Melissa Stone and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.) When I think about who I am thankful for this November, I hardly know where to begin.  I cannot restrict all of my thanks to one specific person. Rather, I am thankful for “Jackson’s Jedis” (our “village” which is comprised of many individuals who support us where we reside in California). Together, we love and advocate for awareness and acceptance. The first and foremost member of this village is Jackson, our…

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I Will Sit With You In The Dark

November 17, 2017

“When you can’t look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark.” Alice in Wonderland Hearing that your child has autism, or any neurological disorder, is so unbelievably scary. Maybe you knew deep down. Or maybe you were oblivious. It honestly doesn’t matter because in an instant everything is different. Same kid…different future. Different path. And not just for your kiddo. But for your whole family. For me I felt like a label was tattooed on my son’s forehead. And ultimately mine. I thought the label…

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