I’m Thankful For You: My Best Friend


(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Gina Schaal and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.)

This November I would like to recognize and give a huge thank you to my best friend, Sanna Jensen.  She is not only my friend but my son’s Personal Care Attendant (PCA) and lifesaver for our family!

First, some background about my family. I live in Minnesota with my husband, Dan, my two sons, a cat and a dog!  My oldest son, Carter is currently 13 and is nonverbal. As an infant, he hit all his developmental milestones until he was about 16 months old.  At the age of two, he lost what little speech he had. He would not respond to his name nor did he know what was going on around him.  My second son, Casey, was born during this time.  Our pediatrician blew it off as he was regressing due to the new baby.  I knew that was not the case and after pursing other opinions, Carter was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2 1/2.

I dove straight into everything autism; researching everything I could about how to help my son.  My husband and I both worked in the medical field and worked opposite shifts so we could keep the boys at home. This ended up working out well for us as we now know Carter would have never been able to go to a daycare.  Those early years were exhausting.  Carter wouldn’t sleep, he would bolt, he didn’t potty train until age five, he was impulsive, a biter, and loved to throw anything he could behind beds or down the stairs.  It didn’t look like we owned anything because everything of any value or breakable would have to be put away.  On top of this I had another child two years younger to take care of. We spent thousands of dollars on allergy and metabolic tests and a DAN doctor that eventually lead us to a new diet and supplements as we found out Carter had many digestive issues too. We didn’t have close friends or family near by so Dan and I were living this whirlwind alone with all the emotions that came with the diagnosis and new life we were living.

Sanna and I were friends long before Carter was born. We had many PCA hours available for Carter but there was, and still is, a shortage of qualified PCAs. Sanna volunteered to be  Carter’s PCA and continues to be our main support today. She stepped up big time and jumped right in and educated herself about autism.  She’s been in the trenches with us, calming him after a meltdown and she helped with potty training when both Dan and were at the brink of giving up.

She helped us try several approaches to help Carter communicate before the invention of the iPad. She does his ABA programs with him, she listens to my venting and my crying. She would cook or clean my house when we were too exhausted or didn’t have the time to do so.  She’s watched BOTH my boys so my husband and I could get a rare getaway. She would be one to rush right over in the middle of the night if I had asked.  I seriously could go on and on, you name it, she’s done it…..and she does it all with a positive attitude and a smile on her face.

Carter has attended the Minnesota Autism Center since he was 6 and he is now 13.  He gets 40 hours a week of ABA.  Before Carter, Sanna knew little about autism but her dedicated work and self education led her to a job at MAC where so many other kids now get to experience her love for them.  She truly has a gift with these kids!

She and Carter have developed a very special bond.  She is the only person who knows Carter better than my husband and I do.  She is the only one that I can trust to leave him with.  Not that I don’t trust others, but they don’t “get” him and how to handle his behaviors.  She has no judgement, only compassion and love for him.  And he adores her.  Other than his brother, she is his best friend.

I know I don’t tell her enough or give her the credit she deserves.  There really are no words that I can find to express my gratitude for what she has done for my family.   I know we wouldn’t be where we are today without her love and support.  Thank you Sanna, we love you!

You can still nominate the doctors, therapists, teachers, friends and family that make a difference in your special needs world. Click HERE to learn how!

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Kate Swenson

Kate Swenson lives in Minnesota with her husband Jamie, and four children, Cooper, Sawyer, Harbor and Wynnie. Kate launched Finding Cooper's Voice from her couch while her now 11-year-old son Cooper was being diagnosed with autism. Back then it was a place to write. Today it is a living, thriving community of people who want to not only advocate for autism, but also make the world a better place for individuals with disabilities and their families. Her first book, Forever Boy, will be released, April 5, 2022.

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