I Refused to Miss This

Sometimes I miss things. Not on purpose by any means. I just have to make choices. When you have four kids, well there is a lot going on. Someone always has a game or practice. Or the sniffles. A trip to the grocery store is always necessary. Or more recently, an aging parent. My husband and I split up. Dividing and conquering. I go to the doctor and he goes to practice. He goes to one conference and I go to the other. And well I miss a game. Or…

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Focus on the Color

I want to brag on this little boy for a minute. His dad and I just finished up his yearly assessment with the state. I know every country is different when it comes to autism. Heck, states and even counties are different in the USA. Services and supports vary. Some better than others. We live in a fantastic state for disabilities. Minnesota values people with additional needs and prioritizes their independence, goals, and dreams. We are blessed to get the supports and services that we need to help our son…

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I Have an Expert Leading Me Through

I do not have autism. I am not autistic. But my son is. Being his mom in no way makes me expert. But I do my best. I try so hard to be the best mom I can possibly be to him. Autism feels confusing to me a lot of the times. I believe we live in a black and white world for the most part. And my son lives in color. Blues and reds and yellows and greens. We, his dad and I, have navigated autism for ten years…

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