On Realizing Your Child Doesn’t Enjoy What Other Kids Enjoy

“Did you pack the toothbrushes?” When we met each other’s eyes we realized neither of us had. This sentence means something different for our in family. Our toothbrushes were in fact tucked away neatly into a side pocket of my bag. But we have a separate grouping of toothbrushes. A special one, just for our son Cormac. It started small. When Cormac was first diagnosed at 18 months he exhibited many sensory seeking behaviors and had not yet delved in the graces of therapy or Early Intervention. He was chewing…

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Weekend Update

Another great weekend for Cooper! Well, minus his church skills. Wow. Let’s just say that kid CANNOT sit still. We took Cooper to a McDonald’s Play Palace on Saturday. Big night. We have brutal cabin fever at our house so any outing sounded great. This was our first time at a play place so we didn’t know what Coop would do. Well, I am pretty sure he died and went to heaven. He ran and jumped and loved every sensory overload part of it. I climbed in the tunnels for…

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My Sensory Seeking Toddler

I am well aware that this is a creepy ass picture. So please disregard that part and pay attention to the information. I knew nothing of Sensory Issues before I had Cooper. Let me rephrase that, I never knew that it was an actual disorder. I can think of so many kids that can’t stand tags on their clothes or struggle with different types of socks or shoes. Or kids that don’t like to finger-paint or get their hands dirty. Heck, I even know some adults like this! I guess I didn’t…

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