My Sensory Seeking Toddler

I am well aware that this is a creepy ass picture. So please disregard that part and pay attention to the information. I knew nothing of Sensory Issues before I had Cooper. Let me rephrase that, I never knew that it was an actual disorder. I can think of so many kids that can’t stand tags on their clothes or struggle with different types of socks or shoes. Or kids that don’t like to finger-paint or get their hands dirty. Heck, I even know some adults like this! I guess I didn’t know it meant anything really. But, when you open Pandora’s Box of issues with your child you find out more than you would ever want to know.
On a positive note, from what I’ve read, most kids grow out of sensory issues. There are two types of Sensory issues: Sensory Seeking and Sensory Avoiding.
Cooper has some signs of Sensory Processing Issues, mostly Sensory Seeking. And you are going to laugh when I tell you how I first figured it out.
For the past year I nursed my younger son and always have a pillow and a boppy in the living room. My little porker nursed every hour around the clock so I always set the pillow on the recliner for easy use. Every single time I would go into my living room to nurse the pillow and boppy would be on the floor. I started to notice that anything that went on the couch and chair would always end up on the floor. Sweatshirts, toys, magazines or whatever. I couldn’t figure it out. So I started paying attention. The second I put them there Cooper would ram into them and throw or knock the item on the floor. For a while I couldn’t even have papers on my end tables. He would walk by and sweep them on the floor. And heaven forbid I had a newspaper in the living room. He would grab that sucker and run around the house like a beast. To put it positively, Cooper loves to be active and will often run from couch to chair and bounce off. Anything in his wake is a goner. Therefore my living room is a disaster.
Then I started to notice a few other signs. When I change Cooper’s diaper he would push his legs against me. It drives me CRAZY. I also noticed from our short stint in ECFE that Cooper can’t sit in a chair unless he is strapped in. He just can’t handle it. If I put him in a booster seat he will sit still and do whatever activity I ask. If he isn’t strapped in it’s a no go. On a positive side, he is improving on this.
The hardest of Cooper’s sensory issues are his fear of haircuts. On my list of worst experiences in my life, Cooper’s first haircuts are up there. One time it was so bad at a Cost Cutters that concerned people came into the salon because they heard screaming. Wow. Now, we have a wonderful friend come to our house and it is WAY better.
Out of Cooper’s Sensory issues there are two that make me nervous.
First, Cooper goes through phases where he puts everything in his mouth. Now let me add that this could be WAY worse. I joined a Sensory Disorder Facebook Group for a hot minute and the things I read broke my heart. I thank God that Cooper’s issues are very mild in comparison. Cooper loves toothbrushes and you will often see him chewing on one or he may chew on a sleeve or a toy. But, like everything else, he forgets about it and moves on.
Secondly, and most concerning, when Cooper gets frustrated he will hit himself in the head. This is completely related to his lack of communication. 99% of the time this happens during meal time when I force him to take a bite of veggies or something similar. Jamie and I have a hard time with this. To put it simply, it breaks my heart and to put it in context, this probably happens once or twice a week. So, not very often. I usually alternate between saying, “OW buddy, that hurts!” or my favorite, “I swear to God Cooper, stop hitting your head. I made that head and I should be the only one that get’s to hit it.” Yes, not my finest parenting but I get so frustrated.
Cooper’s sensory issues are constantly improving. Time and growing up are doing wonders for him. We also like to challenge him as well as try new things. Never a dull moment!
My son is also a sensory seeker on most things. He is a big time avoider if it is clothes, a shower (bloody murder screaming), and same with a haircut. He is in kindergarten now and he can’t sit on a chair to save his poor soul. We go to church with his teacher and she was just joking the other day that she is sorry to laugh about this but Henry falls off his chair more then he sits in it. Yep I had to laugh also. Good luck it does get better just find any humor you can in it.
Isn’t it frustrating??!!?? Was Henry like that as a toddler as well? Did it eventually improve? I am nervous about his ability to sit at a desk. yes, I know he just turned 3 but he just can’t sit still!
Much worse as a toddler. It is getting better biggest hurdle is food everything smells yucky, sitting in a chair, haircuts. He is enjoying school and does well. He gets extra help but behavior wise does well. Good luck
OKAY so I am dying laughing at the first line…NOW I am going to go back and read the whole post!!
Ok, now for my serious comment. I love the way you are exploring and expressing everything out loud. That is awesome! I think that would have helped me a lot in my journey with Sophie, but I may have already explained to you why I didn’t do that. I couldn’t remember. Anyway, my son’s best buddy at school (now 10) didn’t speak a word until he was 4 (his mom tells me) and did the head-hitting thing too, often against a wall. How frustrating and heartbreaking for a parent! He is now the sweetest, most articulate 10-year-old…I am so glad my son his him for a friend. I am sure Cooper will make another kid’s mom happy in this way someday. 🙂
Oh Jenny I love this comment! Cooper has so much going for him. He is sensitive and sweet and way too cute. Deep down I know this is going to be fine. It has to be…but the day to day can be scary and exhausting. I know I’ve wrote in a lot of my posts that every day gets a tiny bit better. Cooper today is night and day different than Cooper a month ago…or 6 months ago. Blogging has helped me so much. I can put all of my fears out there instead of holding them in.
My son is both, but mainly a sensory seeker. He is almost seven and we are learning to find ways to put his sensory seeking to good use. He loves weighted blankets and vests, swimming, roller coasters, pushing on things, ect. He loves to chew gum and the ends off pens. It is definitely an interesting life and keeps me on my toes.
Never a dull moment is what I say!
Charlie is definetly a.sensory seeker; chews toothbrushes, puts sand in his mouth, pushes me when we change his nappy, loves jumping and flapping his hands, and getting in between things ( like the couch) the bed…. the list goes on . It has always fascinated me but I guess it is how he makes sense of the world around him☺
Hi! I know this post is years old, but I am just starting this process with my 2 year old little boy and would love to know how it’s going. All the things that have happened in between and honestly I’m struggling. Hope to hear from you.