Posts Tagged ‘santa’
Happiness is what Matters
As we age, our interests change. They evolve. They grow with us. But what if they don’t? What if they stay the same year after year? In the real world, they call it age appropriate. It means teenagers shouldn’t be watching Barney or adults shouldn’t be believing in Santa. Someone once told me to turn off the cartoons and put on the National Geographic channel. I still laugh about that. They thought parents like me should be forcing interests. My son is 9. He’s amazing. And he loves Peppa, Barney,…
Read MoreSanta did not Bring my Nonverbal Son’s Voice
Every time I go through a “grieving phase” of autism I always think it will be my last, or at least I always hope it is. However, emotions are fluid, and thus like waves in the ocean it never dies. I find that holidays are always a stressor for the grieving process. It truly is hard to let go of what you thought your life would have been like prior to the diagnosis of autism. I think it’s hard for people who aren’t going through this to understand that. It’s…
Read MoreDo you think that Elf knew that Brayden has Autism?
I heard excited footsteps on the stairs. Zachary was standing in the living room. His little body jumping up and down. “Santa came, Santa came.” His enthusiasm radiated through the house. I watched as my older kids excitedly watched him. Despite the fact that they are “too old” to be excited the joy that exuded from Zachary was contagious. I look to the corner of the room. Brayden is sitting on the kitchen table. He is rocking back and forth. His hands covering his ears and a sad cry escapes…
Read MoreThe Boys Meeting Santa and Ms. Claus
Santa and Mrs. Claus made a visit to see the boys! It was absolutely beautiful. Here is a video with a peek at our Santa visit last year and this year. Sawyer asked for ALL the toys and Cooper said ‘I want Santa’ and ‘I want present.’ He nailed it. We are a blessed family. ‘Anything can happen child. Never stop believing.’ Merry Christmas! Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because…
Read MorePerfect After Autism
I found myself sitting on a bench nursing Harbor at a store today on one of the busiest shopping days of the year. We were out grabbing a few last minute things. A train magazine for Cooper. A sweatshirt for Sawyer. My bench happened to be right in front of the line to see Santa Claus. I had the perfect view of the big guy in red. And all the kids that were so excited to see him. Little girls in fancy dresses with bows in the their hair. Little…
Read MoreTips for Holiday Survival
This is a quick list of the things that I have learned as an autism mom to make the holidays a whole lot easier for our family. My son Noah is going to be four next month, is nonverbal, and is considered a huge sensory seeker. My first and foremost suggestion is if you can host the party in your home, do it. Your kid is always going to be more comfortable being in their own environment with their own things. This will be our second year hosting Christmas in our home, and I believe it…
Read MoreAll I Want for Christmas
Dear Santa, Instead of toys, trucks and the usual boy stuff, I wanted to ask you for something a little different this year. All I want for Christmas is to be treated like everybody else. I’m just a regular little boy after all! It makes me sad to miss out on things. I want so much to be welcomed and included in ALL school and church activities. I want to be included in sports teams and clubs at school. I really want to be invited to parties and dances and…
Read MoreAutism and Christmas (VIDEO)
For the first six years of my son’s life he didn’t care at all about Christmas. He didn’t care about the presents, or the tree, or Santa. He didn’t care about celebrating with our family, or traditions, or preparing for the holiday. It was so hard on our family. And as he got older, it got harder. There was no making a Christmas list, attending church, baking cookies, visiting Santa or even going to dinner at Grandma’s house. Not only did he not understand, he detested opening gifts, the music,…
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