Posts Tagged ‘Premature’
My Little Miracle Baby
I blinked. I closed my eyes for that microscopic second and you grew. Everyday when I watch you float through these halls, a whisper in my heart still sees you as that fragile, tiny soul weighing just a pound coming into this world. I have to pinch myself back to reality watching you giggle so beautifully these days, as my body still tenses, remembering every sound from the ever-chiming hospital monitors. I’ll never forget that warning sound. It’s woven into my being. I look at you, my beautiful boy, and…
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My first son Nicholas was born premature at 35 weeks via emergency C-section due to his lack of movement. I thank God every day that I was aware of his decline in movements in the womb. Nicholas was pretty active during pregnancy, so when I wasn’t feeling him moving around anymore I became concerned. What was once 10-15 movements or kicks every few hours turned into 10-15 a day. I had a pretty good pregnancy up until that point. I didn’t have morning sickness at all, I ate and drank…
Read MoreA Letter to my Former Self, the NICU Mom
Hey Lady! It’s me…You! Weird I know, but listen up Buttercup because I have some important things to tell you. You’re leaving the NICU today after the longest 143 days of your life, but you already know this might not be the end of the ‘hospital life,’ and you’re right. I’m going to let you in on a little secret though…Carter will be physically okay! You’ll have some bumps in the road but nothing as major as the surgeries he endured in the NICU. I promise. You’ll find the perfect…
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