The World is a Better Place Because He is in It

This is baby Harbor. The third baby. The third boy. The third little thief of sleep and sanity. He turned 3 years old in October. He is kicking soccer balls, negotiating in full sentences, eating with a fork, playing hockey and incredibly curious. Of all three of my boys, he is the busiest. He wants to know how things work. Like the toilet. And Kleenex boxes. And mud puddles. He has the biggest personality. And he wants to be grown up. With every food he eats he lets me know…

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We Pour Love Into Them

This morning I was sitting on the couch drinking my coffee, soaking up some quiet time before my two littles woke up when my 3 year old came wandering in. He was dragging his blue blanket, the taggies in his hand. His hair was mussed, creases from his pillow still on his cheeks. He saw me, smiled, and immediately climbed up me and the chair and wiggled his little body next to me to make room. This is how every day starts. We snuggle. At least once he will whisper…

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Always Answer the Phone

‘Dad! Is everything alright?’ That’s what I said when ‘Dad Cell’ flashed on my phone this afternoon. I half expected it to be someone else. A relative. A nurse. Someone telling me something happened. My stomach felt sick as I waited the few seconds for a voice to respond. ‘Katie. Did you catch the game yesterday?’ I gasped. See my dad hasn’t called me in a really long time. He used to call me weekly and then he had a stroke and it changed him. It changed the way he…

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The World is so Different

Last night, over dinner, my 7-year-old asked why the people did bad things at the capitol. I was a bit taken aback by his question. I didn’t know he knew anything about it. I first asked him where he heard about it. Then I asked him what he knew. He told me the kids were talking about it at the hockey rink. He also told me who each of the kid’s parents supposedly voted for. He asked why they did it and why they all had flags and why people…

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What I Want for my Child

It is easy to get caught up in the monotony of the everyday struggles. The therapies, the meltdowns, sensory issues, working on simple tasks like dressing and potty training while other kids my daughter’s age are going to dance class and mastering writing. It may seem that my daughter is missing out, that our family is missing out on so many things life has to offer, and sometimes that is true. When I start to feel overwhelmed or a little sad about what I’m not able to do I stop…

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Falling in Love with Reality

To the boy that grew only in my heart, I still think about you sometimes. Not as often as I did in the beginning. But sometimes when things get lonely and dark you wander into my mind. You stand there smiling at me. Sometimes you talk to me and tell me all the things you love. Sometimes you show me your favorite toys. Sometimes you teach your little brother things and I watch him look up to you in awe as you take care of him. Sometimes you play with…

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