Supporting Friends and Family Through a Diagnosis

What do I say to friends and family? The awkwardness of the parent’s thinking: “How are they going to respond, what am I going to say back, etc.” Kind deeds go a long way with someone going through a rough time. Has a friend or family member just received a diagnosis for them or their child? The Friends and Family Friday blog has been in the works for a very long time.  The intention behind this is to help educate because knowledge is power. There are some tough times when…

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A Good Enough Mom

I never want to come across as having it all together. Because the honest truth is, I do not. No one is doing it all. And if they claim to, then they are either lying, have a lot of help, or forgot how hard it is raising tiny humans. I don’t share too often the tough parts. I’m a sensitive person and always have been. I don’t like to be criticized or challenged. Sure, I’ve grown a lot in this role of special needs parenting. But I’m a people-pleaser by…

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Twenty-Two Lessons From Autism in 2022

This was without a doubt the most challenging year for our family. This was the year we had to call in help to look at safety, support for aggression, goodbye to all medications because none were working. But we also learned the most lessons, came out stronger, and have a better foundation for raising a son with autism. Here are twenty one lessons autism has taught us this past year: 1. In their own time, in their own way. 2. People are curious and want to understand how to help,…

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My Third Born

I have four kids. They range from 1 to 11. And while they are all carbon copies of each other visually, they are each very unique. When I describe them I often say my Cooper, he sees people. He has the gift of sight that most will never have. I describe my Sawyer as being an old soul. He is thoughtful and kind. My baby, she is stronger willed than any human I have met in my life. And she’s unbelievably smart. She runs this house at 17 months. And…

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Dear Tired Mama

Dear Tired Mama, I see you as we pass each other going for that evening walk with your little one and I with mine trying to burn off that last energy of the day. I see you at the playground pushing your little one on the swing . I see you walking the track with your stroller and two kids while staying committed to being healthy. I see you as you are taking a nature walk, climbing boulders, letting your child explore get messy and dirty. Bringing all kinds of…

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I Wish Time Would Slow Down

This one and I needed some time together. At 9 years old he’s in that in between space where he will hold my hand but can run to the concession and grab his own soda. He needs me but doesn’t fully. He lays his head on me when he’s tired and uses his own hand to cover my eyes during the scary parts. He’s not embarrassed of me. But also thinks I’m super old. He loves his siblings fiercely. But asked today if we could go to the movies just…

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My Last Baby

This morning I sat long after I should have and rocked my last baby. The day was calling and I should have gotten moving. There were lunches to be made, dishes to be done, emails to be sent. But instead, I sat and held her. I smelled her hair. And studied her face. And listened to her giggle as I pretended to chew on the fingers she placed in my mouth. Her first birthday is in two days. My last baby. How did that happen? Just yesterday I was 28…

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Are You Going Through Something Hard Right Now?

Hey friend, Are you going through something hard right now? It doesn’t necessarily matter what it is. Just that it’s hard. And you are struggling. Maybe it’s keeping you up at night. Maybe you find yourself crying in the shower. Maybe you cannot see the bright side. Maybe you don’t know how you will survive this. I get it. I have something in my life too. Something I don’t share a lot about with family or friends. And because of that, that silence, it feels really heavy. Suffocating even. I…

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The Push and Pull of Motherhood

Do any of you feel a constant push and pull as a mother? Because I do. I have four beautiful children ages 11 to 11 months. Every second of my life is full. It’s messy and loud and so full of love and joy and lack of sleep that some days I just want to cry. I miss reading. And sitting. And thinking. It’s amazing too though. The best really. But the push and pull. I’m feeling it a lot lately. I spent the last couple of days with my…

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Permission to Pause

This motherhood stuff is tough sometimes. Like cry at 3 am tough when your sweet baby refuses to sleep. But a friend of mine, Carrie Cariello, told me the most beautiful thing this weekend. And I can’t stop thinking about it. We were on a panel. Me, her, and our friend Jackie. We were asked what advice we would give to parents of newly diagnosed kids. It a pretty common question. I spoke of pausing. Not rushing through. Taking time to process and feel the big feelings and sit in…

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