Posts Tagged ‘mother of boys’
Here’s the thing no one told me about brothers. They fight. And they wrestle. They sneak punches. They take jabs. Like in this picture. They may be hugging. They also may be attempting to squeeze the life out of each other. I won’t know until someone screams. They team up against me a lot. Like velociraptors. One distracts me while the other two sneak into the pantry to steal Cheetos. They protect me too though. If one of them hates me for a second or gets really mad over something…
Read MoreThe Wild Ones
Some kids are just mischievous. Wild. Busy. Exasperating. They see a puddle and have to jump in it. A glass of water and have to dump it. A counter and have to climb it. They see a toy and immediately want to know how it works. How it’s wired. Taking it apart becomes vital. What’s it made of they think. They see mail and need to know what’s inside. A package becomes a possibility. It could be a Nerf gun or a monster truck or ice cream. They must know.…
Read MoreOne of Those Mornings
It’s been one of those mornings. You know the one. Dog peed on the carpet, forgot to do reading homework last night, arguing over breakfast and wondering why it seems like daylight savings is still totally messing with your family. But it’s only one hour! It makes no sense. So, here’s to the parent who got up one too many times last night. The dad who used a paper towel as a coffee filter because someone forgot to buy them. The dad who scrubbed dog poop and pee out of…
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