Posts Tagged ‘hopes’
What I Want for my Child
It is easy to get caught up in the monotony of the everyday struggles. The therapies, the meltdowns, sensory issues, working on simple tasks like dressing and potty training while other kids my daughter’s age are going to dance class and mastering writing. It may seem that my daughter is missing out, that our family is missing out on so many things life has to offer, and sometimes that is true. When I start to feel overwhelmed or a little sad about what I’m not able to do I stop…
Read MoreDreams Change
“When he is older he will be grand”, “he’ll grow out of it”, “ah you would never know looking at him”. Just some comments that are frequently said to me about my little boy. The reality is people just don’t get it. When you become a parent, you dream of doing so much with your little baby as they grow. Trips to the cinema, out for ice cream together, trips to the beach, or just out for a walk holding hands. I dreamed of all of these things too. I…
Read MoreOur Hopes and Goals for 2019
I can’t believe how fast 2018 flew by. It was a rough journey for our family. We faced many challenges. New diagnosis’s. New problem behaviors. Anxiety issues. The list goes on… I am going to stay hopeful for 2019. We are going to work even harder. I am going to continue to stay hopeful Kash will talk. I will continue working hard with him. We will continue working on his problem behaviors. We will continue working on ways to help his anxiety. My son Kash is a sweet, caring, funny…
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