Changing the Narrative

The other day I interviewed Joe of Joe James Autistic Awareness & Photography, an autism self advocate and all around cool guy. Each time I chat with him I spend days after reflecting on the wisdom and advice he provides me with. In our most recent interview, at least a dozen time he said, ‘I am autistic and proud.’ And at one point he said, ‘can you imagine if every autistic person said that? How the narrative of disability would change?’ Wow. Think about that for a minute. Right now,…

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Big Changes

Things have a way of changing rapidly in our world. Today, this amazing kid started school. The same school as his brother. He is in 4th grade. I never thought this would happen but we got a little nudge from the universe. And it turned out to be a good one. I cried. His dad cheered. His brother was so excited. And he was too. He dressed himself, put on his own backpack, let me gel his hair, negotiated how many treasures he could bring to school, and made his…

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