To the Special Needs Mom Hiding, You Are Not Alone

Dear Momma, I see you, driving down the road with tears in your eyes. I see the deer caught in headlights look as your hands firmly grip the wheel. You sob, uncontrollably, afraid to utter the words that well within your body. I know you utter how much your child is loved, how you wouldn’t change them for the world, that you will get through it together but I know you’d give your life in a heartbeat to have it so your child didn’t struggle with aggression. I know the…

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Special Needs Behaviors Can’t be Fixed With Traditional Discipline

We need to talk about discipline.  Particularly discipline and special needs children.  My oldest has Autism and a handful of other diagnosis.  For most of his younger years he simply did not have behaviors at home. His behaviors occurred at school and I strongly subscribed (past tense to some extent) to the ideology that kids should not be double punished. That if something happens at school, and the child receives a consequence, that the child should not be double punished at home.  Then my life exploded. A handful of close deaths.…

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Do You Stay?

Picture this.  You are in a relationship. It’s new and exciting. There’s so much potential! Oh, all the things that you will do together. You will grow together, learn from each other and your love will grow.  They love you so much. You can tell. They get comfort from your hugs and you love doing things for them. They light up when you enter the room. It’s all so lovely! Picture this.  They stop talking to you. Car rides are silent. It’s like a one way street. You try and…

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