More than the Man of My Dreams

Every year on Father’s Day I am so thankful to my father and how wonderful he has been my whole life and how lucky I am. After I started having kids of my own I now find myself thankful for my Dad for being such a great Father and Grandfather but also I find myself so thankful for my husband and the Dad he has become. I have always been complimented on how great Lee is as a husband. Other men tell him to stop doing things because he is…

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A New Year’s Resolution

Recently my friend texted me, “I’m so happy our boys are out having fun together”. Just a normal text any friend would send when Dads take their boys to a basketball game together. Then I looked over at my sweet Finley who has Autism and thought I’m not happy because one of my boys is here with me and not out with everyone else enjoying a basketball game and that is because he has Autism. Then for the first time I started to realize that this kind of night would…

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To my Son, A Brother Who Simply Loves

To my son, I knew at a very young age I wanted to be a mother. I had to wait a long time for you to come but when you did I was so happy. You were so beautiful and I was finally a mother! I loved our perfect little family and loved watching you grow and become the person you are today. When I was ready to give you a little brother or a little sister I could picture our family doing many things and couldn’t wait for you…

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