Goodbye 2020

What is your word for 2021? Resolutions are hard. Heck most folks don’t make it past a week. So many people are picking a word to be mindful of throughout the year. Examples include patience, peace, success, health, rise, advocacy. I’ve been thinking about mine since last night. Last year my word was joy. I of course can’t pick just one. Content: Someone will always be skinnier. Someone will always be more successful, have more followers, be a better writer, make more money. Someone’s life will always appear easier than…

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The Year We Were Normal

2020 has been a hard year for most. Filled with uncertainty, fear, confusion, sleepless nights, isolation and more. We call that a Tuesday in our house. Truthfully not too much has changed in 2020 for us. Yes, we have less appointments and therapies, but the fear, the isolation, the constant anxiety. That’s every day for us. Now there is talk of an end, a vaccine, a possible return to normal. People of course are debating it but the end goal of all of this, is a return to normal. Dinner…

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It Feels Like the Walls are Closing In

Does anyone else feel like they are standing in a room screaming at the top of their lungs but no one is listening. Or cares. Because I do. Distance learning is really hard. Trying to work with three kids and a husband is really hard. Never being alone is hard. Self care is hard. Motivation is hard. Trying to be happy all the time is hard. Trying to stay busy without leaving the house is hard. Finding Christmas cheer is hard. When everything shut down in March for us I…

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