A Diagnosis For My Boy

Four years ago I watched you from my son’s bedroom window as you went back and forth with your colleague in your car– attempting to convince her that my son had autism. You both had just evaluated him. I understood the urgency– I knew that you understood.  I didn’t have a fancy job title and didn’t have an outwardly impact on our society. I didn’t possess any powers and my neighbors didn’t know my name. I didn’t have anything to give or anything to spend other than being the best…

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A Few Things I Have Learned About Motherhood

As I near my due date with my fourth baby, and slowly lose my mind daily with the three I already have, I find myself thinking a lot about mothering. And all that goes into it. Here are a few of the things I’ve learned along the way: 1. Having children is like having the worst roommates sometimes. They move your stuff, eat your food, and leave dishes all over the house. Try to remember though that messes clean up. 2. Your children can be just like you, or polar…

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The World’s Most Okayest Mom

I’ve been reading a lot lately about so called bad moms. Apparently they walk amongst us dressed in leggings and oversized sweatshirts, hair up in a messy pony, exhausted, cooking dinner with way too many helpers, and most likely overly caffeinated. They blend in. Yes, I’m as shocked as you are. I had no idea. Learning this got me thinking about my so called mothering skills. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the mother I imagined I’d be before having kids. But in my defense, I didn’t…

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14 Things that are Ridiculously Hard as a Mother

14 things that I find to be ridiculously, over the top hard, as a mother: Putting eye drops in a child’s eye who refuses to keep their eye open. It is not possible. Nope. By the end of the attempt everyone has pink eye. Wiping a child’s nose and mouth. Or, as I call it, absolute torture. Keeping a hat on a toddler. Enough said. Putting shoes on a child who doesn’t want shoes on. ‘What is happening? Why are you curling your dang toes?’ Getting a child to eat…

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One of Those Mornings

It’s been one of those mornings. You know the one. Dog peed on the carpet, forgot to do reading homework last night, arguing over breakfast and wondering why it seems like daylight savings is still totally messing with your family. But it’s only one hour! It makes no sense. So, here’s to the parent who got up one too many times last night. The dad who used a paper towel as a coffee filter because someone forgot to buy them. The dad who scrubbed dog poop and pee out of…

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Is this Motherhood?

I just smoked my funny bone on the door to my laundry room. It literally took my breath away. And had me wondering if someone was watching me, laughing, like The Truman Show. I was cursing about the laundry. And apparently flailing my arms. It just blows my mind how 5 people can have so much laundry. Wet swimsuits, stinky towels, pee sheets, stained up t-shirts, gym clothes. Clothes ranging from a 12 month onesie to an XL t-shirt. Baseball uniforms and hockey jerseys. Clothes piled on the floor of…

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I Never Knew Being a Mother Would be so Hard for Me

I always wanted to be a mom. Heck, I think I played babies and house until I was a tween. After that it was babysitting. And then working with kids in college. Thankfully, I was blessed with three beautiful boys. They are loud, wild, healthy and each perfectly exhausting in their own way. I am the lucky one. I know that. But three kids is a lot. Working, running a house, a baby, breastfeeding, cooking, cleaning, and so on. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love being a mom.…

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