Developmental Delays
Diaper Options for a 6 Year Old
Hey all, One question I am continuously asked is what kind of diapers we use for Cooper. He is a big boy weighing in at 60 lbs. He currently wears a size 7 diaper. Cooper’s diapers are covered by his Medical Assistance. As far as I understand, and this may vary by state, a child with an autism diagnosis who is covered under medical assistance gets free diapers after the age of four. That’s what I was told. We had to figure this out for ourselves. Meaning a fellow parent…
Read MoreCooper showed his 'Calm.'
There are many times throughout the day when I will look at Cooper and think ‘what the heck is going on in that little brain of yours?’ Last night was not one of those nights. This kid let his smarts show. A little backstory. Everything Cooper does is AMPED up. If he wants something he shrieks and whines and points and jumps up and down. He goes from zero to one million plus one in under a second. If his train falls off the track he takes the freaking house down. If I…
Read MoreI Should Have Known and Deep Down, Maybe I Did.
Looking back, I always new Cooper was speech delayed, but I never knew he had delays in other areas. He never babbled like a typical child so I wasn’t surprised (devastated for sure) when we started the speech therapy route. Even now, his babbling is extremely different from Sawyers. I will admit that I always lumped ALL of Cooper’s delays into one category…SPEECH. And that was wrong of me. But in my defense, Cooper met all of his physical milestones (up until jumping) right on time. He held his head up, rolled over, crawled and…
Read MoreNo Updates
I don’t have any updates to share. Boo. Because of the epic deep freeze in Minnesota right now we had to cancel Cooper’s appointment with the psychologist. Apparently Minnesota shuts down at -25 degrees. Weak. We rescheduled her visit to daycare for next Tuesday, February 4th. Talk about prolonging the stress. One thing this mama does not need. But honestly, it’s for the best. Cooper had a cold yesterday and stayed home from daycare with mom and dad. And I learned two things: 1. Having one child is EASY! Wow! Sawyer…
Read MoreAnother Big Week
Cooper had a great weekend. We worked on potty training again. Gong show I tell you. Jamie had Cooper sit on the potty for 60 minutes and he didn’t pee. We fed him juice and milk in hopes that he would eventually just pee so he would understand what he was supposed to do on there. That little stinker held it the whole time. I dug out his little potty and set it in the living room and put Cooper in underwear. And then I pulled out everything I had…
Read MoreThe 'One Degree of Cooper' Game
Have you ever heard of the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game? Basically it’s this game where every person in Hollywood is somewhat connected with Kevin Bacon. My life is like this…except I would call it the ‘One Degree of Cooper’. Every single thought that goes through my head goes back to Cooper and my non-stop worry. I’m not joking. I see Cooper in every kid. Every person actually. And I have noticed that it’s starting to get out of control. I worry during the day. I worry at night.…
Read MoreFine Motor Skills in Toddlers
There are so many different pieces of Cooper’s delays that I often just lump them together because I get so overwhelmed when I think about each part individually. But now that Sawyer is here and developing on a typical path I can’t believe how many things I should have noticed. Cooper met all of his beginning milestones right on time and because he met all of these milestones on time I really didn’t pay attention to the rest. Holding his head up, rolling over, sitting up, crawling, standing, walking and then…
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