Tracing Love: A Mother’s Morning with Her Autistic Son

This not-so-little-anymore boy traced my face while I was sleeping this morning. I knew it was him before I opened my eyes. Once I did, he giggled and ran away. I’m sure he was confused why I was still in bed at 7 am. I haven’t been sleeping and yesterday I tried to explain to him that mommy was tired. After I told him he tapped on his chest, showing me his teal striped shirt. He must have dressed himself. He was proud. We both clapped and then he pointed…

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My Autistic Son and His Friends

My son has friends. Two of them. I’m not sure if I can convey how much that means to me. They wait for my son to arrive. They greet him at the door with a hug and a cheer. They hold his hand. They lead him. They talk to him. And they sit by him. These are his friends. I do not have autism. In fact, I know very little about it. But I do know my son. He is 13 years old. He has blond coarse hair. His eyes…

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He Is Tethered to Me: My Journey With an Autistic Teen

He is tethered to me. This son of mine. Although imaginary, connects us at all times, his lifeline. As he’s aged the rope has started to reach farther. I can move throughout the house without him following me from room to room. But he knows. He always knows where I am. I can go in the front yard and visit with neighbors. He waits for me, typically on the porch or just inside the glass storm door, watching. The tether seeming to expand and contract. I can go on my…

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I’m Sad My Brother Has Autism, Mama

Today was a day. Long. Hot. A bit boring. Fun at times. The kids are figuring out this summer vacation thing. So are mom and dad. Schedule changes are tough I tell ya. It takes time to settle in. To figure out how to slow down. I watched my two oldest, Sawyer and Cooper, swim for over an hour. At first, just Cooper wanted to swim. It’s his most favorite activity ever. He’s a fish in the water. An autistic adult told me once that being under water is the…

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Tears of Joy: A Yearbook Photo’s Impact

There are quite a few stories in the news right now about kids with disabilities being excluded from events at school. This happens every year. And as mom to a child with nonspeaking autism, reading them hurts. Because I know. I know what it feels like to have a misunderstood child. And feel like you don’t belong. It’s an ache. It’s a deafening silence. It’s hope. It’s anger. Its frustration. It’s more. I’m sharing this with you because something beautiful happened. Something I didn’t expect. And it has humbled me.…

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Summertime on the Spectrum

Summertime is different for some kids… So many of you are asking me about Cooper’s summer plans. A valid question. He finishes up school this week. Then he will be an eight grader. He absolutely understands that school is almost done for the year. I know because yesterday when we walked him to the bus he held up three fingers the entire way and had us repeat…’three more days.’ He likes his reassurance that one. Summer breaks are different for kids like Cooper. Or maybe it’s just him. I guess…

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He Deserves to Live with Dignity and Respect

And then she said, ‘you are so lucky that your son doesn’t care what he looks like. Or care about the latest trends in clothes or even what his hair looks like. It’s so hard these days to keep up.’ She finished it with, ‘I bet he doesn’t even care what you dress him in…’ I’ve been thinking about that conversation for over a week now. I know what she was getting at. I know what she was implying. She was telling me I was lucky that my kid didn’t…

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Looking at Hope in a Realistic Way

Hope. Gosh I hear that word a lot. Have hope. Never give up hope. All we can do is hope. If we give up hope, than what do we have left.’ In the world of special needs, hope is a hot topic. Hope and I have had a rocky relationship over the last few years. For years I hoped nothing was wrong with my baby. Then I hoped my toddler would catch up. And then I hoped that it was ‘just’ a speech delay. Then I hoped it wasn’t autism.…

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We Attended a United Dance Together

The child you have right now is not the child you will have forever. Let that sink in. You can also say the hard that you have now right now is not the hard you will have forever. Years ago, when my son was 4 and 5, and autism was new, we were really struggling. This sweet boy couldn’t communicate. He didn’t feel well. He had anxiety and adhd that seemed to consume him. We couldn’t leave the house. We didn’t sleep. We didn’t stop moving. We quite literally never…

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Am I Brave Enough…?

I just left the grocery store. I only had a few things today so opted for the self checkout today. While I scanned my items, I became aware of two young men next to me. I would say they were both in their 20’s. It dawned on me rather quickly that one was helping the other shop for groceries. He was helping him scan each item, slow and meticulously. Talking him through he step. The gentleman being helped was very much enjoying himself. He was laughing and making very happy…

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