I Have Some Big Dreams for My Autistic Son

Just look at him sitting there, Sweatpants, t-shirt, in his comfy chair. His hair is too long, one hand on a juice box, and the other playing with Buzz Lightyear’s cat Sox. He doesn’t know what’s going on in my head. All these thoughts run around while I lay in bed. I have some BIG, BIG, DREAMS! Help him learn to communicate. Bring him on lots of play dates! I have some BIG, BIG DREAMS! Help him make friends, who knows where this story will end. Plan big adventures all…

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Each Day I Am A Little Bit Stronger

Each day I am a little bit stronger. After the drive home from diagnosis day. I am a little bit stronger. After crying all night long about a different future. I am a little bit stronger. After each and every meltdown my child has. I am a little bit stronger. After each appointment where I am told you have once again not met a milestone. I am a little bit stronger. After another Diagnosis. Autism, Apraxia and ADHD! I am a little bit stronger. After being told you would be…

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I Cried For All Special Needs Parents

Yesterday, I cried. That’s right, this strong, brave mother who everyone thinks has the answers, cried big ugly crocodile tears. Everything I thought I was doing right was questioned. I went home after yet another meeting for Kyle and went straight to my room, sat on the edge of my bed, kicked off my boots, fell backward, and had myself a good cry. I cried until my eyeliner was streaking across my face. I cried until my eyes were puffy and my head hurt so bad I could barely see…

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We Will Not Silence Our Autistic Son

We will not silence him. It is so hard for some people to realize that Kyle is not defined by his diagnosis. That’s not all that he is. It’s only a small part of him. He really doesn’t make any more noise than other children. Just because his noises aren’t concrete words that doesn’t make him noisy. He has his own way of communicating with us. It doesn’t make it bad or wrong. He is working on making his sounds something someone can understand. Who says how he talks is…

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