Protecting the Spirit: Autistic Children in a World Not Built for Them

Although it’s now changed when I first started my blog, I named it “Johnny’s Spirit” after my son’s nickname. While Johnny is his nickname, I want to explain the “spirit” part.

As a parent of an autistic child, one of my biggest concerns is protecting my son’s spirit.

His being, his essence, the part of him that you can’t describe but only feel. It’s what makes him who he is.

The world we live in was not built for him.

People may try to push him into a mold that he doesn’t fit into, and I worry that this will slowly kill his spirit. As a parent, I want to protect it with all my might.
However, it’s a difficult balance to strike. I need to help my son grow and learn, but at the same time, I need to keep him safe.
He needs to have the life skills to take care of himself as much as he can, and to build relationships. He also deserves to enjoy the beauty that the world has to offer.
As his parents, every decision we make about schooling, therapy, and medication is made with the intention of protecting our son’s spirit.
I worry about how my choices may affect who he truly is, and I must constantly remind myself not to make him feel like he has to hide who he is.

Finding a balance between safety, love, and freedom is a constant challenge, but it’s one that we face every day.

As my son grows older, I continue to see the world through his eyes and learn from him.
I hope that by sharing our journey, I can help others understand the importance of protecting the spirits of those who don’t fit into society’s mold.

Every child deserves to be loved and accepted for who they are.

It’s up to us as parents and caregivers to ensure that their spirits are protected.
Written by Jaime Ramos of Jaime Ramos Writes
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Jaime Ramos

Jaime Ramos, is a wife and mom from Colorado. She's married to her best friend, Isaac, and they have two kids. Her oldest is seven and autistic. She mainly writes about her a-typical parenting journey. Jaime is a blogger at Jaime Ramos Writes and co-host on the Table for Five, No Reservations Podcast. She wants to spread the word that spreading love and awareness is key to acceptance.

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