Posts Tagged ‘video’
What Autism Really is…
In honor of Autism Awareness Month, I asked my supporters to answer a question. I asked them to describe how the world views autism…and then what autism is to them and to their kids. The result is absolutely amazing. I promise you the last ten seconds will have you in tears. Want to learn more about becoming a supporter? Click HERE. Interested in writing for Finding Cooper’s Voice? LEARN MORE Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of…
Read MoreWill I be Sad Forever?
Dear Kate, I’m writing you because I don’t know who else to say this too. It’s late. 2 am actually. Everyone is sleeping. Although I know my son will be up in a hour. I should be sleeping. But I can’t. My son was diagnosed today with autism. It shouldn’t have been a surprise. I mean, I knew. We all knew. He has no words. He doesn’t even try to communicate. I overhead one of the aides in his preschool say she has never met a boy quite so autistic.…
Read MoreA Boy and his Baby Brother
Oh how far he’s come. 14 weeks ago he refused to acknowledge our new addition. He had never touched a baby. Never held one. Honestly, never acknowledged one. We’ve worked in it every single day. We started slow. Eased into it. A wave. A smile. A quick touch. A hug. A kiss. And we built up to this. Today, he’s holding him, hugging him and kissing him. With a 20 second count of course. This kid is amazing. I have so much hope for their relationship. Interested in writing…
Read MoreLooking Back, Looking Forward (VIDEO)
Hey everyone! Happy New Year! As promised, here is a video with Jamie, my partner in crime, and an appearance by Cooper. This video would have been up earlier but Sawyer needed an apple cut a certain way, the baby needed to eat and Cooper needed to dance. Essentially, life happened. In this video we discuss why we share our lives, how it impacts us and the kiddos, our 2018 accomplishments and goals for Cooper in 2019. I want to thank every single one of our supporters for being with…
Read MoreSay ‘Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma’
Last night I was snuggling with Harbor and I found myself subconsciously saying…’say ma-ma-ma-ma.’ And as I looked at him I saw Cooper. I immediately flashed back to seven years ago and all the times I encouraged him to start making sounds. I waited for so long. Calmly at first. But eventually desperate. Here we go again. Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you…
Read MoreThe Different Stages of Accepting Autism
I had no idea that there would be so many different stages surrounding my son’s autism. For example I thought getting the diagnosis would be the hardest part. I really did. I thought going through the pain of realizing something was wrong, making the phone call for the appointment, bringing my baby to be evaluated and hearing the words, ‘yes he is autistic,’ would be the hardest parts we would ever have to go through. We would get help and it would be fine. I was wrong. There are so…
Read MoreCooper is Eight
Eight years ago my world was turned upside down with the arrival of my first born son. My Super Cooper. The one who made me a mom. As I sat down to type this post I let myself think back over the last eight years. And I thought about all of the words I could type. The stories I could share. The highs and the lows. The amazing joy he has brought me. And of course autism. I’m struggling finding the words right now. Birthdays are hard. They are a…
Read MoreAutism and Showing Affection
Super Cooper just kissed his baby brother. He smiled at me, walked up to him, touched his head and then kissed him. I almost fell out of my chair. I took this video a second later when I asked him to do it again. Showing affection to anyone besides me has never came easy for Cooper. It’s not natural for him. He doesn’t willingly give hugs or kisses. Or ask for snuggles. So this pretty much made my whole entire year. He never ceases to amaze me. I’ve never seen…
Read MoreWhen the Differences are Noticeable
When my autistic son was two and three I remember thinking….at least he can blend in. He’s so cute that no one will ever know he is different. Or that he has autism. For some reason that mattered at the time. I think it was a comfort thing. Now, he is almost eight. And he yells, runs, rolls, crawls, flaps, eats anything he finds on the ground, and so on. He has licked strangers. He has eaten snow of stranger’s boots. It’s now apparent to me that we will never…
Read MoreAdjusting to Life with a Baby (VIDEO)
I am so excited to share with you how we are adjusting to baby Harbor and to being a family of five. We are twelve days in! Honestly, overall, it’s going VERY, VERY well. In so many ways we are just your typical family adjusting to having a new baby. There are moments of chaos of course. But, there are also so many parts that are so much harder. Cooper still needs 100% of his self care administered. He can’t get his own snack or drink, or dress himself, or…
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