Happy Valentine’s Day to My Best Friend

My sweet husband, You and I have never been big Valentine’s people. Or gift givers really. Ever since we had kids we always say we will take a day together and go shopping and buy something for each other but it never happens. There’s never time. And well, this Valentine’s Day feels even less lovey than the others. For starters it feels like we have spent every minute together since last Valentine’s Day. That’s a lot of time together. It’s also -5 degrees outside right now which is making us…

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Dads, The Glue That Holds Us Together

I don’t post a lot about my husband, Steve. Today I want to talk about him because he is my rock. He is very much involved in everything we do for Henry. All of the decisions we make are equal. He went to all the doctor appointments and he’s around for most of Henry’s home therapy sessions. The day Henry was diagnosed, Steve was at the appointment with me. We knew the diagnosis was coming and we were able to console each other on the drive home. When we got…

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A Love Note to My Wife

Autism is hard! Hard for the diagnosed individual, the siblings, the family and on a marriage. When we said “I do” we never expected to embark on an autism journey and we definitely didn’t envision the vows “in sickness and in health” would apply to our unborn child. Autism has challenged our marriage in ways we could never imagine and it has enriched our marriage in ways nothing else could.  I could share some of the many autism moments, experiences, pitfalls, disappointments, lessons, achievements, challenges, and wins that got us…

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To My Incredible Husband – I Thank God For You

A life partner or soulmate is a person who accepts you for exactly who you are without the desire to change or fix you. There is a deep and unspoken respect between both partners.  Your strengths compliment theirs and you hold each other tightly during challenging times.  The healthiest relationships are rooted in open and frequent communication. Following my first marriage, it took time for me to feel comfortable in my own skin and redefine what truly makes me happy. Although I burdened myself with the assumption that I’d be a single…

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Happy Valentine’s Day to My Best Friend

My sweet husband, You and I have never been big Valentine’s people. Or gift givers really. Ever since we had kids we always say we will take a day together and go shopping and buy something for each other but it never happens. There’s never time. And well, this Valentine’s Day feels even less lovey than the others. For starters it feels like we have spent every minute together since last Valentine’s Day. That’s a lot of time together. It’s also -17 degrees outside right now which is making us…

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To the One I Can Always Count On

The one person who has been part of my life for the past 12 years is my husband.  The story goes like this…he was a small-town boy and I was a small-town girl.  We met at a small-town church. We knew each other way before we started officially dating.  He always had an eye for me, but I wasn’t quite so sure that I was interested at the time. Although, I quickly found out after I gave him a chance that he was the kindest person.  He would do anything…

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