Join Coop’s Troops

When my son’s was diagnosed with autism at age 3, neither my husband nor I knew a child with autism. My husband and I were alone. We would say all the time…where are the families like ours? The ones who can’t leave the house? Where are the kids like Cooper? Where are the siblings like Sawyer? I searched for 8 years and never found them. So I created it. I would love to invite you to join Coop’s Troops, an online subscription group for parents of children and adults with…

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It Wasn’t Just About Autism

This was our view while we waited for fireworks on Independence Day. It was a lovely sight with the flag hanging in the street and kids laughing and playing together. Some were doing cartwheels. Some were playing catch. Some were shooting hoops. They were all ages from toddler to teenager. It felt like summer. It felt like freedom. It felt like community. Until it didn’t. My son is 7. He’s sweet and funny. He’s creative. He loves peanut butter and books and Lego person heads. He has beautiful blue eyes.…

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