Posts Tagged ‘severe nonverbal autism’
It’s My Story to Tell
Don’t tell me it’s not severe When it’s MY story to tell. Don’t tell me it’s not severe When I daily live a version of hell Don’t tell me it’s not severe When all you got is something to sell Don’t tell me it’s not severe When there are holes where he fell Don’t tell me it’s not severe When the curve dips low on the Herrnstein bell Maybe the word is harsh? Or profound or extreme? Critical or grave? Or perhaps just plain mean? Do those options please you?…
Read MoreFrom Prematurity to Thriving
My first son Nicholas was born premature at 35 weeks via emergency C-section due to his lack of movement. I thank God every day that I was aware of his decline in movements in the womb. Nicholas was pretty active during pregnancy, so when I wasn’t feeling him moving around anymore I became concerned. What was once 10-15 movements or kicks every few hours turned into 10-15 a day. I had a pretty good pregnancy up until that point. I didn’t have morning sickness at all, I ate and drank…
Read MoreThe Path to Normal
A few evenings ago I finally took the leap and joined an online Autism support group that I’ve been eyeing up for a very long time. It’s a smaller, more personal support community called Coops Troops, filled with interviews, live chats, videos, supports and resources for a small monthly fee. I had put off signing up for so long and kept finding myself pulled back to it; Coronavirus isolation pushed me to jump on it. So I leapt, finally, and with much excitement. I did not know that I was…
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