Understanding Self Injurious Behavior

To the autism families that are just learning about Self Injurious Behavior (SIB): I know you’re scared. I know you’re sad. I know you’re mad. I know you’re confused, so confused. Guess what, that’s ok and you’re not alone. We began our journey of SIB on August 14, 2016 my son was 4 years old. My son Deegan was diagnosed with Autism clinically (ADOS) at 22 months old, on September 18, 2013. We began to see “signs” when he was just 13 months old and he began early intervention, speech,…

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Living With Self-Injurious Behaviors

One thing I’ve learned as the mother to an autistic child, is that when your child has self-injurious behaviors, you’ll never be able to describe the feeling accurately. I’ve also learned that if a person doesn’t know what you’re going through, you’ll never be heard accurately. Any time that I have thought I might open up and share the fear, frustration, sorrow and deep gut wrenching pain, I’ve learned that unless a person has lived it as a parent or caregiver, they can never understand. Sometimes you get even worse,…

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