The Christmas Moments I Envy

Christmas time has always been my favorite time of year. The lights, love, festivities. The family and friends. Growing up my mom and dad made Christmas magical even if they had to go without. My mom would bake and decorate the house beautifully. You could feel the love the minute you walked in the house. I always wanted to give my kids the same magical feeling. As I got older, I understood that the magic of Christmas came from my parents. It didn’t come from a store. Having a child…

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Feeling Blue at Christmas

I started decorating in November and finished shopping the first week of December.  I was so excited for this year because my little dude finally understands Christmas.  For the first time in almost 6 years, he told Santa what he wanted. It was all going so well and I was so hopeful.  I even was able to snap a couple family photos with my phone for our Christmas card. It meant the world to me to just have one…even if it wasn’t perfect. I just wanted one of us together. …

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