Teachers, Thank You and I’m Sorry

I saw a post this morning shared by the amazing Jacalyn Wetzel that said something like… ‘Almost zero active shooter drills take into account disabled children.’ I paused when I saw it. I read it again and again. I don’t know if it’s true or not. I guess I’ve never researched the subject. But what I do know is that my son could not hide. Or stay quiet. He could not play dead. He would not be able to think to cover his body with blood from a peer. He…

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Today is Someone’s Hardest Day

I was 8 months pregnant when Sandy Hook happened. I remember standing in front of the tv for most of the day. Watching it unfold. The children. I still remember their faces. I can still see them. Today. Again. The children. I have kids the same age. Tomorrow their names will be shared. Beautiful photos. Smiles. Lives lost. I have no wise words. Although the ones that come to mind are… Devastated Heartbroken Scared Gutted I imagine most of the world is feeling the same way. Processing. Watching. Reflecting. Wondering…

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Who will Protect my Child?

I live in Florida where the Stoneman Douglas school shooting happened. I have four children. Ranging from 22 to 3 years old. My four year old son Asher has autism. He is high functioning. Friends and family tell me how lucky he is to be so. I don’t always feel that way. Asher started in public school pre-school just last October. I was very nervous about the little things. Will he hit another child? Will he run away from the teacher? Will he take all his clothes off to go…

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