Posts Tagged ‘receptive language delay’
I’m Thankful for You: My Son’s Therapists
(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Judy Young and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.) I would like to honor and thank my son’s speech therapist, Danielle Cupryk-Novascone and his occupational therapist, Julie Morrow. I couldn’t pick just one of them. They’re a team! A bit about our family and our autism journey. My name is Judy Young. My husband, Bill Young, and I live in Independence, Missouri, with our six year old Billy. Billy was diagnosed with Autism in April. His social and language delays…
Read MoreJust A Little Ole 'H' Sound
I have some exciting news from yesterday. This is so subtle that I truly don’t believe anyone would have ever noticed it but me. And I made Cooper repeat the action so I could make sure it was real. We were reading book number 4 before bed last night. It was this big book about Sesame Street. Lots of colors and pictures and actions. Per the usual, I ask Cooper to point to different things. ‘Cooper, where is the red balloon? Where is the blue car? And so on.’ I…
Read MoreWe All Want What We Want, Exactly When We Want It.
Cooper has an opinion on everything. Every. Single. Thing. We. Do. I get him a blue cup and he wants a red cup. I put his snack in a blue bowl and he wants his Lightening McQueen Bowl. For his snack he wants a few Cheerios, Chex Mix, Goldfish and 2 Vanilla Wafer Crackers. No compromise on this one. He wants his Thomas shirt. Not his blue dinosaur shirt. He doesn’t want to sit in his booster anymore. He wants to pick his chair and also pick where mom and…
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