Wild Ones

Some kids are just mischievous. Wild. Busy. Exasperating. Curious. Spirited. All words we choose instead of naughty. They see a puddle and have to jump in it. A glass of water and have to dump it. A counter and have to climb it. They see a toy and immediately want to know how it works. How it’s wired. Taking it apart becomes vital. What’s it made of they think. They see mail and need to know what’s inside. A package becomes a possibility. It could be a Nerf gun or…

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Be Thankful it Happened

Are you a glass half full or half empty kind of person? I like to think I’m glass half full. I strive for optimism. Mostly. Lately I’ve been a bit down. The season of life getting to me a bit. My three year…he is pure joy. I call him my too much kid. Too much noise. Too much mess. Joy. Love. Energy. All of it. He reminds me to look at this life with happy eyes. Like this exchange… “How was your day buddy? Good. Who did you play with?…

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My One of a Kind Boy

This kid I tell ya. He’s my one of a kind boy. He brings me a container of ice cream for breakfast. He finds a highlighter and colors on my computer and feels no worry when showing me his beautiful artwork. He puts things in the toilet. He is always happy. Always smiling. And always mischievous. He’s curious. Like take the couch apart curious. He gives out hugs and kisses nonstop. He adores his siblings. And wants to grow up so badly. He wants to be big like Soy. (His…

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I Prayed for This

I just went upstairs to tell three little boys to settle down. But before, I paused at the door. Peeking into their world. There was giggling. And fart noises I heard hitting and tickling. I heard booty and I like butts and I lie. It sounded like the bed was being dismantled at one point. And the ceiling may cave in. The middle one yelled for me numerous times, letting me know the his brothers were being wild. I watched for a minute through the crack in the door before…

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Feeding the Soul

We got outside this evening and it was amazing! Of all the settings that my boys have been in together, outside is always the best for them. No technology to distract. Just sticks. Big sticks. And rocks. And mud. Really cool leaves. And scratchy bark. Toads. Squirrels. And BUGS!! And we just walk. At our own pace. No pressure. Cooper loves throwing things into the woods. He loves the sounds that come. Crashes and bashes. And his brothers love helping him find the biggest sticks to throw. There is just…

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Three Things I’ve Learned About Raising Boys

Things I’ve learned as a mom to my three boys… It’s nearly impossible to keep them clean. But messes typically equal fun so it’s important to remember you can hose them off later. They love to pee in the woods. There is just something about it. Trees are made for climbing. Little trees. Big trees. Trees with no branches. All trees must climbed. But also know they most likely will not ACTUALLY climb any trees. Just attempt. All found sticks must be thrown, no matter the size. Sticks also make…

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