Never Ever Give Up Hope

Our family’s number one goal is to get in the community together. It’s never really happened. Well, not successfully. But we refuse to give up. Tonight, our middle son had flag football practice. I wanted to go. My husband wanted to go. We wanted to get the other two boys out of the house. So, we did it. Cooper’s motivator and encouragement…two (not one!) vintage train magazines from eBay. His most favorite thing in the world. We stayed an hour. I have never, in nine years, been more proud of…

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Your Ups And Downs

Some days I wish I could just press reset. Or snap my fingers and make life easier for you. But I can’t. It doesn’t work that way. Instead it feels like ups and downs. Today you had an amazing speech session. The best in months! I think we gave you a hundred high fives. But then when it was over you dropped to the ground in the lobby and refused to get up. It was hard. It was over paper. You also kept a bandaid on your toes. You are…

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